Set during the merry time of Christmas, this upcoming telefilm is a predicted feel good entertainer bound to appease all the warm-hearted fans of cozy and light hearted entertainers. Titled, ‘Bluegrass Christmas’, the upcoming production will be set in a country holiday as the primary character, Katie Pendleton takes the viewers through an epic journey of love, passion and familial tales.
Katie Pendleton is introduced as an established veterinarian who returns back to her home in Kentucky, to the family horse sanctuary to help and nurture the animals in it. However, matters take a turn for the worst when she refuses to force a racehorse who’s recovering from a broken leg to compete and run in an upcoming race following which, its owner cancels the sanctuary’s funding. This puts the family in great crisis as the lack of funding may result in the sactuary’s closure. Hoping to set up a fundraiser, destiny makes its way through Grant, the owner’s son. When Grant, arrives to pick the horse up from Katie he agrees to help her in organising a fundraiser to save the sanctuary. Grant convinces her to utilise her vocal skills and sing to the community while he plays guitar. Inspired by the recent events, Katie attempts to convince her bluegrass legend grandfather to pick up his guitar again after years of grieving and leaving music in his past.
Location, Status, Crew and More
With an active crew, ‘Bluegrass Christmas’ is set to commence its production by the end of October, this year. As for the location, Newmarket & Barrie will be serving as the primary spot for the filming of the telefilm.
Taken up under Brain Power Studio, an emerging production company, ‘Bluegrass Christmas’ will have Myles Milne joining the crew as the telefilm’s producer. Miles Milne is a known creator who is primarily known for his Christmas themed movies. His works include, ‘A Noel Mon Prince Virendra’ starring Nick Hounslow and Kaitlyn Leeb, ‘A Christmas Dance Reunion’ starring Corbin Bleu and Sasha Clements, ‘Love in Harmony Valley’ starring Amber Marshall and Eric Hicks and many more productions. His productions span across multiple genres such as romance, comedy, drama, thriller and so on.
The ‘Bluegrass Music’ is a type of music that originated in America in the 40s and carries elements of Jazz, Blues and Gospels among other specifics. It will be interesting to see how the upcoming telefilm incorporates this popular genre into their plot and the viewers can expect stellar performances from potential actors who will be joining the cast of ‘Bluegrass Christmas’.