This upcoming feature film is set in the 80s during the Los Angeles Olympics and is supposedly a thriller starring two of Hollywood’s accomplished actors Woody Harrelson and Owen Wilson. Titled, ‘Lips Like Sugar’, the film is said to have Brantley Gutierrez and Anthony Tambakis join its crew in pivotal areas. Another rumor suggests that Emilia Jones and Jack White will be joining this upcoming feature film which is currently in its pre- production stage.
Brantley Gutierrez to Direct ‘Lips Like Sugar’
The 80s saw the peak of pop, punk and technological advancements and at the heart of its popularity was the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Being the center to a lot of criticism and praise, the 84’s Olympics was important to the United States. It appears that the upcoming feature film will take place during this event and the incidents that unfold therein. In ‘Lips Like Sugar’ both Woody Harrelson and Owen Wilson are said to take up the roles of former detectives.
The upcoming feature film will reportedly be directed by Brantley Gutierrez with Anthony Tambakis as the film’s writer. Brantley Gutierrez is primarily known for his short films and music videos. The upcoming project will most likely be Brantley Gutierrez’s film directorial debut. Anthony Tambakis is an emerging artist who is also a producer and an actor. Woody Harrelson recently reprised his role as ‘Freewheelin’ Franklin Freek’ in ‘The Freak Brothers’. ‘Lips Like Sugar’ is one among the supposed upcoming projects of the actor. Some of the recent works starring Owen Wilson are ‘Loki’ which currently has 2 seasons, ‘Haunted Mansion’ a dramedy and ‘Paint’ which was both directed and written by Brit McAdams.
‘Lips Like Sugar’ is predicted to be filmed in Los Angeles which seems fitting as the film is set in the same location. Among the rumored production companies for the upcoming feature film are 7 Deuce Entertainment, Freestyle Picture Company and SHFT.