Sara Tomko and Drew Powell are supposedly starring in an upcoming thriller titled ‘Teacher’s Pet‘ which will follow a student who attempts to survive against a sociopathic high school teacher who has a sinister past. This upcoming feature film is rumored to have Noam Kroll as both its director and writer. Noam Kroll is an emerging writer and director whose works include ‘Psychosynthesis’ another thriller and ‘Shadows on the Road’ which premiered in 2018. ‘Teacher’s Pet’ is predicted to be one of Noam Kroll’s first projects in 2024 and is featuring the director after a while since his last work premiered. As of now, ‘Teacher’s Pet’ appears to be under production and will possibly wrap up its filming soon.
Launch Entertainment and Teachers Lounge Productions to Produce ‘Teacher’s Pet’
Production companies Launch Entertainment and Teachers Lounge Productions will reportedly enter a collaboration for this upcoming project. In ‘Teacher’s Pet’, Sara Tomko and Drew Powell will possibly take up the roles of Mrs. Estrada and Detective Sommers respectively. Sara Tomko is a known actress who has starred in over 30 works with some of the popular ones being ‘Resident Alien’ in which she played the role of Asta Twelvetrees and ‘Once Upon a Time’ in which she played the role of Tiger Lily. Drew Powell is another known actor who is popular for his roles in works such as ‘Gotham’ which is based on the ‘Batman’ comics by DC Comics, ‘Young Sheldon’ a prequel series to ‘The Big Bang Theory’ and ‘Coyote’ a crime thriller, to name a few.
Other supposed additions to the cast for ‘Teacher’s Pet’ include Clayton Royal Johnson and Kevin Makely, Hunter Romanillos and Luke Barnett among others. The upcoming feature film will potentially be shot in Los Angeles, California. Since the film is under production, it will be a while before further news on potential premiere dates will be announced. Until then, stay updated on the latest news on upcoming releases at our site!