The Ultimate Surfer is an American TV surfing competition show that premiered on ABC on August 23, 2021. The series ran till September 21, 2021. The series follows the storyline, “gathers some of the world’s best amateur surfers to live and train together as they battle it out on the consistent and perfect waves created at the “Surf Ranch” in Lemoore, California.”
Created by Kelly Slater, the series is presented by Kelly Slater, Jesse Palmer, Erin Coscarelli, and Joe Turpel. The series is produced by Jessi Miley-Dyer, Dave Prodan, Courtney Clark, Beba Rodriguez, and Tova Kaplan in association with Craig Piligian, Erik Logan, and Dana White as the executive producers.
The production companies behind the series are Pilgrim Media Group and WSL Studios.
Will there be Season 2 of The Ultimate Surfer?
As of November 2022, ABC has not announced any official confirmation regarding the renewal of the series. Also, in March 2022, the series was canceled after one season. However, the series anticipated to announce it in the coming months, with many predicting the show’s return (source).
However, the creator of the show, announced “The program has a devoted audience.” We can probably anticipate seeing the series back in action shortly.
The Ultimate Surfer Season 2 Cast
So far, ABC has not announced any confirmation on the cast list of the upcoming installment. It would be useless to predict the cast list since the series has been canceled officially by the makers. Below mentioned is the list of some previous surfers, hosts, and commentators who might be seen in the upcoming installment.
- Jesse Palmer will play as the Host
- Kelly Slater will play as the Mentor
- Erin Coscarelli will play as Commentator alongside Joe Turpel
- Joe Turpel will again play as the co-commentator with Erin Coscarelli
- Mason Barnes will play as himself (Contestant)
- Tia Blanco will play as himself (Contestant)
- Malia Ward will play as himself (Contestant)
- Koa Smith will play as himself
- Alejandro Moreda will play as himself (Contestant)
- Juli Hernandez will play as himself (Contestant)
- Kai Barger will play as himself (Contestant)
- Kayla Durden will play as himself (Contestant)
- Bruna Zaun will play as himself (Contestant)
- Anastasia Ashley will play as himself (Contestant)
- Ezekiel Lau will play as himself (Contestant)
- Austin Clouse will play as himself (Contestant)
- Brianna Cope will play as himself (Contestant)
- Luke Davis will play as himself (Contestant)
- Erik Logan
The Ultimate Surfer: Where To Watch?
You may watch The Ultimate Surfer on ABC. You may watch all the episodes of the previous seasons on ABC. As soon as the series will be renewed, it’ll be available on the same platform.
The Ultimate Surfer Season 2 Trailer
ABC has not released any confirmation on the renewal of the trailer of The Ultimate Surfer Season 2. For now, you may watch the trailer for the first season trailer. As soon as the series is out, we’ll keep you updated. Till then, stay connected with
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