Turning Red is an American comedy computer-animated fantasy film that premiered on March 11, 2022, in the United States. Created by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, the storyline of the series “follows a 13-year-old Chinese-Canadian student named, who, due to a hereditary curse, transforms into a giant red panda when she experiences any strong emotion.”
The characters are voiced by Rosalie Chiang, Sandra Oh, Orion Lee, Tristan Allerick Chen, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, Ava Morse, Hyein Park, Wai Ching Ho, and James Hong.
The film is produced by Walt Disney Pictures alongside Pixar Animation Studios.
Will there be Turning Red 2?
As of November 2022, Pixar Animation Studios has not released any confirmation pointing to the renewal of the second chapter of the film. As soon as the makers of the show will release any official declaration on the renewal, we’ll keep you guys updated.
Turning Red 2 Cast
As of this writing, there were zero disclosures regarding the voice cast for Turning Red 2. The show creators haven’t released an official star cast list yet. However, We can anticipate the return of many previous cast members for the second installment.
Here is the list of members who can appear in the upcoming edition:-
- Rosalie Chiang will be voiced by Meilin “Mei” Lee
- Sandra Oh will be voiced by Ming Lee
- Ava Morse will be voiced by Miriam Mendelsohn
- Maitreyi Ramakrishnan will be voiced by Priya Mangal
- Hyein Park will be voiced by Abby Park
- Orion Lee will be voiced by Jin Lee
- Wai Ching Ho will be voiced by Wu
- Tristan Allerick Chen will be voiced by Tyler Nguyen-Baker
- James Hong will be voiced by Mr. Gao
- Addie Chandler will be voiced by Devon
- Sasha Roiz will be voiced by Mr. Kieslowski
- Lily Sanfelippo will be voiced by Stacy Frick
- Anne-Marie will be voiced by Lauren
- Mei’s aunts Chen will be voiced by Lori Tan Chinn
- Ping will be voiced by Lillian Lim
- Helen will be voiced by Sherry Cola
- Lily will be voiced by Mia Tagano
- The voice of 4*Town boy band members Robaire, Jesse, Aaron Z., Aaron T. and Tae Young will be played by Jordan Fisher, Finneas O’Connell, Josh Levi, Topher Ngo and Grayson Villanueva respectively.
Turning Red 2 Release Date
Development on Turning Red lasted for four years, on an approximate $175 million budget, becoming the fastest production for a Pixar film. dominating the viewership charts worldwide. It was released theatrically in most countries without Disney+, grossing over $20 million, and became a critical success.
O…M…G!!! 😱 #NobodyLikeU by 4*TOWN from Disney and Pixar's #TurningRed is nominated at the #GRAMMYs for Song Written for Visual Media!! 🎶🐼❤ pic.twitter.com/PXJqGSOqGE
— Disney and Pixar's Turning Red (@PixarTurningRed) November 15, 2022
As per some sources, Turning Red 2 will be renewed shortly. However, let’s take this rumor with a grain of salt until Pixar officially announces Season 2.
Turning Red 2 Trailer
So far, no trailer regarding the Turning Red 2 has been released from the production’s end. However, a fan-made teaser has recently gotten viral on social media that you can watch. For now, you may watch the trailer for the last season on YouTube.
Furthermore, if anything comes out from Pixar’s end, we’ll keep you posted. Stay tuned!