The latest installment in the Spider-Man franchise, “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse”, has been spinning an impressive web of success at the box office. In just its first week of release, the film has amassed a staggering gross total of $170,020,978. This substantial figure is a testament to the film’s widespread appeal, with audiences filling up a total of 4,313 theaters across the nation to catch a glimpse of the web-slinging action.
The film swung into theaters with a bang on its first day of release on Friday, June 2nd, raking in a whopping $51,808,109. Over the course of the opening weekend, the film’s popularity didn’t wane, as it collected $37,566,658 on Saturday and $31,288,822 on the following Sunday. Despite the customary drop in attendance during weekdays, “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” held its ground, garnering $13,014,539 on Monday, before bouncing back up to $15,034,360 on Tuesday.
While there was a minor slowdown mid-week, with Wednesday’s earnings clocking in at $11,102,943 and Thursday’s tally ending at $10,205,547, these figures are still impressive given that weekdays typically experience a lower footfall in theaters.
The daily average gross per theater saw a range from a high of $12,012 on the opening Friday to a low of $2,366 on the subsequent Thursday. As expected, the film’s performance did see a slight decline as the week progressed, which is a common trend after the initial surge of audience interest during the first few days of release.
Despite these day-to-day variations, “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” has proven itself to be a formidable contender at the box office. As we move forward, it will be interesting to observe whether it can sustain this robust momentum in the coming weeks. Moreover, the question remains if it will ascend to the ranks of the highest-grossing films of 2023. So, keep your eyes peeled for more updates on this exciting box office saga.