Released in the year 2022, Pictionary is a reality television game show based on the same activity-based leisure sport brought out by the company, Mattel. Hosted by American actor and television host, Jerry O’ Connell, the workings of the show involved two teams of three players will compete against each other, trying to guess the correct word or phrase represented by the drawings of their fellow teammates. Since its release about a year ago, fans have been hopeful for a second season for the same show due to its generally positive reception amongst the masses of watchers.
After a successful test run in the summer of the year 2021, as reported by the news outlet, Deadline, the game show managed to bag a full season run on Fox stations which would begin by the end of 2022. What separated this series from the other interactive entertainment shows in the market was that it was not stringent with its rules. While the game of Pictionary has its own set of predisposed play decisions, the showrunners add in fun elements in the middle of its conduction. Some of them include Quick Draw, Sketch or Steal, Choose Your Words which are then wrapped up by the Final Sketch. Moreover, the FOX exclusive also witnesses the appearance of several notable personalities in the form of them participating in the game under the role of a Team Captain. Some of the notable appearances made under this segment are by the American actress and comedian, Melissa Peterman, American comedian and actor, Colton Dunn, Crazy-Ex Girlfriend actress, Gabrielle Ruiz, American actress and TV personality Jodie Sweetin and many other renowned figures. The 50-year old host is always joined by two of such celebrity guests in each episode. To make this entire experience more intimate, Pictionary has its own website where avid fans can go and inform themselves of any prospective shows happening around them in their cities.
As of the first of February in the year 2023, the television syndication arm owned by Fox Corporation, Fox First Run, confirmed the renewal of five of its shows. They included You Bet Your Life with Jay Leno, Pictionary, 25 Words or Less, Dish Nation and Divorce Court — for fall 2023, said Stephen Brown, executive vice president of programming and development for Fox First Run and Fox Television Stations. This serves as a happy news for its watchers who had been awaiting its second season as it is most likely going to air in 2024.