The Japanese manga series, Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun is a fantasy comedy created by Yūsuke Fujita. The series is an adaptation of the anime manga series produced by Bandai Namco Pictures. It premiered on NHK Educational TV, on October 5, 2019 and it ended in March 2020. Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun due to its outstanding cast selection and screenplay has been highly appreciated by the audience and critics.
In this article, we are going to talk about the upcoming edition on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun.
Welcome To Demon School Iruma Kun Season 4 Release Date
A text box was included in the final panel of the manga series “Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun” when Chapter 276 was published in 2023. It seems from the translation that the anime adaptation was not working on a fourth season.
Rumours of the show’s cancellation spread as a result of this lack of clarification. The source and translation teams, who had pulled off similar pranks in earlier chapters, eventually admitted that this was a hoax. As soon as the text box appeared, fans realized it was an official announcement for the forthcoming season rather than a sign that the show was canceled.
Neither the producing studio nor the streaming service have provided an official release date. All we can do for the time being is wait for an official confirmation, but if we have to depend on the rumors, the fourth season might only debut in 2024. Let’s see what happens next!
Welcome To Demon School Iruma Kun Season 4 Expected Plot
Since the manga has over 333 chapters and the first two seasons covered the story up to chapter 93, there is enough source material to keep the anime going for a few more seasons.
This television show tells the tale of Iruma Suzuki, a human teenager sold to Sullivan, a demon, by his self-centered parents. Iruma is brought to the Demon World by Sullivan, where he is enrolled in Babyls School for Demons.
Iruma tries to hide the fact that he is the sole human among his demonic classmates as he starts to make friends with them. We can anticipate that Iruma will continue to struggle to prove himself in school and face more obstacles in the next fourth season as he tries to hide his identity from his peers.
QUIZ: What’s Your Rank in Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun?
— Welcome to Demon School! (@iruma_kun) October 1, 2022
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 4 Cast
No update on the cast of the fourth installment is officially confirmed by the NHK Educational TV. However, considering the finale of the third season, we have shortlisted a few cast members who might be seen in the upcoming chapter.
Here are they,
- Iruma Suzuki will be voiced by Ayumu Murase (Japanese) and Laura Stahl (English)
- Alice Asmodeus will be voiced by Ryōhei Kimura (Japanese) and Stephen Fu (English)
- Ameri Azazel will be voiced by Saori Hayami (Japanese) and Kira Buckland (English)
- Clara Valac will be voiced by Ayaka Asai (Japanese) and Kayli Mills (English)
- Kalego Naberius will be voiced by Daisuke Ono (Japanese) and D. C. Douglas (English)
- Sullivan will be voiced by Takaya Kuroda (Japanese) and Kyle Hebert (English)
- Opera will be voiced by Mitsuki Saiga (Japanese) and Brian Anderson (English)
- Sabro Sabnock will be voiced by Takuya Satō (Japanese) and Ray Chase (English)
- Keroli Crocell aka. “Akudol” Kuromu will be voiced by: Nao Tōyama (Japanese); Xanthe Huynh (English)
- Jazz M. Andro will be voiced by Tetsuya Kakihara (Japanese); Ryan Colt Levy (English)
- Lied Shax will be voiced by Yoshitaka Yamaya (Japanese) and Brandon Winckler (English)
- Elizabetta Ix will be voiced by Kaede Hondo (Japanese) and Natalie Hoover (English)
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 4 Release Date
As we discovered, no news has been released from the producers and production house about the fourth season. Thus, no news on the release date of the upcoming season is out yet. As soon as the renewal of the upcoming season is announced, we will be sure to update this section.
Keep an eye on The Anime Daily for more on the same.
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun: Where To Watch?
You may watch the series on NHK Educational TV.
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 4 Trailer
No trailer for the fourth chapter has been released. As soon as NHK Educational TV announces the release date of the second season, the trailer would be released.