Directed by Mark Raso and based on a screenplay he penned along with Joseph Raso, “Awake” is an American sci-fi thriller film that was released in 2021. The film features Gina Rodriguez, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Barry Pepper, Finn Jones, Shamier Anderson, Ariana Greenblatt, Frances Fisher, Elias Edraki, Lucius Hoyos and Gil Bellows.
The film when released was received with favorable responses although Awake was able to climb to the top upon its release despite that it looks like hoping to see a sequel to Awake seems uncertain so far. Needless to say, there are still many fans who wish for a follow-up. Here’s what we know about the film Awake 2:
Will there be an Awake 2?
The answer to that is not known since there’s been no update from the filmmakers about a potential sequel. However, there’s little chance for fans to see the sequel to Awake considering that no updates were provided ever since the first movie was launched.
The film was launched on the streaming giant on June 9, 2021. Looking back it’s over a year since the movie came out and so far there’s been no concrete information about a sequel happening.
To put it, the director Mark Raso himself has not spoken on this matter nor did he mention anything about a continuation of the first film. In one of his interviews, he was asked about his future projects, and he revealed that he’d be working on a documentary and a television pilot but nothing related to the sequel to Awake. However, this simply doesn’t indicate that a follow-up will not happen or speculate things until we hear any official announcements from the producers.
Will Netflix order Awake 2?
We don’t yet know anything regarding a movie sequel. These post-apocalyptic films frequently have confusing conclusions that raise numerous unanswered concerns. Rarely does a sequel exist to provide the answers.
Currently, Netflix will be interested in how Awake performs in terms of viewership. A sequel might be made if there is demand for one.
Gina Rodriguez plays the lead character in “Awake” and would undoubtedly play a significant role in any potential sequel. Two forthcoming projects are presently listed on Rodriguez’s IMDb page. First, Rodriguez will play the title character in the legal drama “Bobbie Sue” (according to Deadline). Rodriguez will then take on the lead role in a brand new live-action “Carmen Sandiego” adaption. The actors who play Jill’s children in “Awake,” Ariana Greenblatt and Lucius Hoyos, both have at least one new film scheduled. So, at the very least, a “Awake 2” can’t happen anytime soon with these three prominent cast members back together.
Expected cast of Awake 2
Due to a lack of information, it is unclear who will return in the upcoming sequel because the official cast line is under wraps.
Here are the names of the cast and characters expected to reprise their roles if Awake returns with a sequel.
- Gina Rodriguez in the role of Jill
- Ariana Greenblatt will return as Matilda
- Frances Fisher will be back as Doris
- Shamier Anderson will portray the role of Dodge
- Finn Jones will play Brian
- Lucius Hoyos will be seen playing as Noah
- Gil Bellows in the character of Dr. Katz
- Barry Pepper will be back as Pastor
- Jennifer Jason Leigh will reprise her role as Dr. Murphy
- Sebastian Pigott in the character of Clarence
Additionally, viewers are also expected to see new entrants in the sequel to stir up the story.
Awake 2 plot: What can we expect?
The first movie showcases mankind’s realistic post-apocalyptic survival and this kind of genre in most cases doesn’t ensure a follow-up. So it’s difficult to say if Awake will return with a second part based on the movie’s genre.
However, the conclusion of the first movie somewhat leaves an opening for further development of the story but this doesn’t mean that a sequel is guaranteed.
You can check out the trailer for Awake below 🙂