Joel Edgerton and Felicity Jones are rumored to co- star in this upcoming drama film titled ‘Train Dreams’. Set in the 20th century, the film follows Robert Grainer, an ordinary day laborer who lives in the American West in a secluded life following a tragedy which results in the death of his family. The film takes on his journey in getting past his grief on the death of his family while adjusting to the rapid changes that arise at the time. ‘Train Dreams’ appears to be an adaptation of the 2011 novella of the same name which was composed by Denis Johnson. As of now, Joel Edgerton and Felicity Jones remain to be the only known potential cast members for the upcoming feature film. A known actor, Joel Edgerton recently starred in ‘The Boys in the Boat’ a sports themed biographical film in which he played the role of Coach Al Ulbrickson. A recent on-screen appearance of Felicity Jones is her portrayal of Catherine in ‘Dead Shot’ a 2023 action thriller. In the upcoming film, Joel Edgerton will presumably take on the role of Robert Grainer while Felicity Jones will possibly portray Gladys Grainier.
‘Train Dreams’ is supposedly a production under Black Bear and is reportedly in its pre- production stage, predicted to commence its filming soon. The said producers for the film include Michael Heimler, Will Janowitz, Marissa McMahon, Ashley Schlaifer and Teddy Schwarzman.
Meet the Crew for ‘Train Dreams’
Clint Bentley is supposedly taking on the director’s chair for ‘Train Dreams’. An emerging artist, Clint Bentley is mainly known for his short films among other works. Besides serving as the film’s director, Clint Bentley is also seemingly a co- writer for ‘Train Dreams’ with the artist possibly being joined by other writers Greg Kwedar and Damien Ober as the rumors indicate.