Developed by David Shore, “The Good Doctor” is an American medical drama TV series heavily inspired by the 2013 South Korean drama series by Park Jae-bum of the exact title. Korean actor Daniel Dae Kim who also serves as the series executive producer saw the original series and purchased the liberties for his production company.
Kim started adapting the series and finally delivered it to CBS Television Studios. However, CBS chose against developing a pilot. Since he felt so intensely about the series, he purchased back the liberties from CBS. Later, Sony Pictures Television and Kim agreed on a deal and onboarded David Shore, also the creator of Fox series “House” to develop “The Good Doctor.” The series stars Freddie Highmore, Nicholas Gonzalez, Antonia Thomas, Chuku Modu, Beau Garrett, Irene Keng, Hill Harper, Richard Schiff, Tamlyn Tomita, Fiona Gubelmann, Will Yun Lee, Christina Chang, Paige Spara, Jasika Nicole, Bria Samoné Henderson, Noah Galvin, and Osvaldo Benavides.
“The Good Doctor” premiered on September 25, 2017. Upon release, the series has obtained mostly mixed responses from critics, who have commended the lead actor’s (Freddie Highmore) performance but disparaged the series’ narrations. Nonetheless, the show gradually improved and is currently one of the most popular shows airing on ABC. Following the success of “The Good Doctor,” the network renewed for a 6th season in March 2022 which aired on October 3, 2022.
If you’re wondering about season 7 of “The Good Doctor,” here’s what we know about it.
The Good Doctor Season 7: Is It Renewed or Cancelled?
As of now, ABC has yet to renew or cancel the series for a seventh run. But with the immense success of the show, a seventh season is highly expected to be renewed.
Previously, in a chat with EW, showrunner Shore said, “We are a show about hope. There is always hope.
He continued, “We want to deal with real issues and real people and decent people trying to do their best and facing challenges. And sometimes things work out, and sometimes they don’t, but we don’t always have the happy ending, as evidenced by where we left off. But we want to have the happy ending, and more often than not we will. But those happy endings are made all the sweeter by the sad endings.”
The Good Doctor Season 7 Release Date
The first season of “The Good Doctor” was released on September 5, 2017. The second season premiered on September 24, 2018. The third season was launched on September 23, 2019. The fourth season aired on November 2, 2020. The fifth season came out on September 27, 2021. The sixth season premiered on October 3, 2022.
As mentioned earlier, the show is currently awaiting to be renewed and hence, an official release date for the next season has not been scheduled. However, if everything falls in order, we expect the potential upcoming season to be out in fall 2023 at the earliest.
The series is produced by ABC Signature and Sony Pictures Television, in alliance with production companies such as 3AD, Shore Z Productions, and Entermedia.