Kiss Sixth is a South Korean drama series based on a massively popular Naver webtoon of the exact name by Gatnyeo. The drama series is directed by Nam Ki-Hoon and penned by Jeon Yu-ri. It stars Seo Ji-hye, Yoon Kye-sang, Kim Ji-seok, and Lee Joo-yeon. The series was launched exclusively on Disney+ on May 25, 2022.
The best part of this drama is it’s not like any typical love story. Hong Ye-Seul (Seo Ji-Hye) can see the future of everyone whom she kisses. Sounds interesting right? It doesn’t end there, her bumpy days start when she accidentally lands a kiss on her evil boss, and what happens when she finds out that her first love joined the same company? If you haven’t watched it yet, we’d reckon you to watch it since we’re not going to spill any spoilers.
The show makers of “Kiss Sixth Sense” Season 1 stated, “The relationship between Ye Sul, who has a super power of seeing the future when she kisses someone, and her boss Min Hoo, whom she used to hate to death, will slowly start to change. Please look forward to this special romance that will awaken viewers’ senses as you find out whether the coincidental vision of their future will really come true.”
Fans can’t help but fall in love with this dreamy feeling drama series and now they’ve been wondering whether or not Kiss Sixth Sense will return with a second season. Well, let’s find out what we know below.
Will there be a Season 2 of Kiss Sixth Sense?
As of now, it’s not known whether the drama series will be back with a second instalment because it’s not been confirmed yet. The webtoon series has 55 chapters in total and is still ongoing. On the bright side, it’s most likely that Kiss Sixth Sense will be back with a second season given the success of the series.
Kiss Sixth Sense Season 2 Release Date
The first season consists of 12 episodes. It started airing on May 25, 2022, and is scheduled to end on June 29, 2022. This means that Episodes 11 & 12 are still yet to be aired.
As previously mentioned, a second instalment has not been officially announced yet. But since the webtoon is still ongoing, the chances of getting a second season is high also given the huge success of the drama series. Fans can most likely expect the new batch of episodes in mid or late 2023.
The Cast of Kiss Sixth Sense Season 2: Who will return?
Find the names of the expected characters returning in the second season if renewed.
- Seo Ji-hye in the role of Hong Ye-seul
- Yoon Kye-sang in the character of Cha Min-hoo
- Kim Ji-seok will be back as Lee So-hwan
- Lee Joo-yeon will play Oh Ji-young
Other cast members may also include–
- Hwang Bo-ra in the character of Jang Um-ji
- Kim Ga-eun will portray the role of Ban Ho-woo
- Tae In-ho will play the character of Oh Seung-taek
- Yoo Jung-ho will return as Yeom Kyung-seok
- Kim Mi-soo will be back as Kim Min-hee
- Jung Ra-el in the role of Lee Ye-hong
- Yoon Jung-hoon will portray Kim Ro-ma
- Kim Ki-doo depicts Kang Sang-goo
- Kim Jae-hwa illustrates Cho Seon-hee
- Park Sung-geun will play the role of Vice President of Zewoo
- Yoo Seung-mok will portray as Morphes Advertising Director
- Lee Han-wi in the role of Oh Ji-young
- Kim Hee-jeong depicts Kim Sara
- Um Hyo-sup will be back as Kim Hae-jin
What can we expect from the plot of Kiss Sixth Sense Season 2?
Plot details are not revealed. It’s difficult to predict what will happen in the next season. In the webtoon series which consists of 55 chapters also the season 1 finale ended on a major cliffhanger so it’s likely that the second season of the drama series will continue from where it concluded.
Previously, Actor Yoon Kye-sang who plays Cha Min-hoo known for his action roles revealed how it feels to have taken up a role in a romcom for the first time after seven years. He was last seen on “A Dramatic Night” which was released in 2015.
“The biggest emotion a person can have is love. I really like the feeling of melodrama. It can turn a person into a fool or into a hero, so I like romance,” he said. “My agency recommended to me the script (for this series) saying, ‘you can show your attractive side with this piece.’ So I read it and it was really sweet. I felt that someone more handsome and younger should play the character but they offered me the role. I hesitated for a moment but I felt this could be my last chance (to do a rom-com) … I wanted to take the challenge.”
He continued: “I think Min-hu’s straightforwardness is what many people have these days. He is honest about his feelings and if he likes a woman, he lets her know. I also like my true self right now and tell myself to stay honest. There’s nothing more charming than being honest.”
Stay tuned!