Survivor is the American-based international Survivor TV reality competition show that debuted on May 31, 2000, on CBS. Based on the Swedish television series Expedition Robinson created by Charlie Parsons, the reality TV show is hosted by Jeff Probst. The storyline of the series follows survivor place, “a group of strangers in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves. The contestants compete in challenges including physical tasks for winning the immunity to remain in the race.”
Produced by CBS EYE Productions, Survivor Productions LLC, CBS Studios, Castaway Television Productions, Mark Burnett Productions, One Three Media, United Artists Media Group, and MGM Television, the series is executively produced by Mark Burnett, Charlie Parsons, and Jeff Probst
Will there be Survivor Season 44? Survivor Season 44 Release Date
The series has been officially renewed by CBS in 2022 with a tweet from the official Twitter handle of Survivor and CBS. The series is scheduled to release on March 1, 2023, on CBS. Additionally, the makers are trying to add some twists to the show’s format. Stay tuned for more updates on the reality series!
Survivor Season 44 Contestants
As of November 2022, the cast for the upcoming installment of Survivor has not been finalized by the makers. Since we know ‘Survivor’ is a reality show, it would be impossible to predict the names of the candidates beforehand.
Below listed are some names of the contents from season forty-three along with their respective countries.
- Morriah Young 28 from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Justine Brennan from Marina del Rey, California
- Nneka Ejere from Weatherford,
- Texas
- Lindsay Carmine from Downingtown, Pennsylvania
- Geo Bustamante from Honolulu, Hawaii
- Elisabeth “Elie” Scott from Salt Lake City,
- Utah
- Dwight Moore from Collierville,
- Tennessee
- Jeanine Zhena from San Francisco, California
- James Jones from Philadelphia,
- Pennsylvania
- Ryan Medrano from El Paso,
- Texas
- Noelle Lambert from Manchester,
- New Hampshire
- Cody Assenmacher from Honolulu,
- Hawaii Vesi
- Cassidy Clark from Austin,
- Texas Coco
- Karla Cruz Godoy from Newark, Delaware
- Mike Gabler from Meridian
- Owen Knight from New Orleans
- Sami Layadi from Las Vegas
The participants, however, need to be above 18 years of age to be a part of the show. If we receive any information regarding the official star cast, we will publish that in our upcoming articles. Make sure you’re subscribed to us!
Survivor: Where To Watch?
You may watch the upcoming installment of the survivor on CBS once it will be released. Now, you may watch all the previous seasons of Survivor on the same platform as well.
Survivor Season 44 Trailer
As of now, no trailer for Survivor Season 44 has been officially announced by the makers. As soon as the trailer of the series is out, all of your questions will be resolved. Also, there have been no updates as to when the trailer will be out. Find the official Trailer for the previous seasons down below 👇.
Check out the latest updates on Survivor Season 46!