Steve Zahn recently starred in ‘The Righteous Gemstones’ a dramedy centered on a family of televangelists, in the role of Peter Montgomery. Being a known actor, Steve Zahn has starred in over 90 works of entertainment with some of his popular roles being Fuller in ‘Joy Ride’ which premiered as an action packed mystery thriller, Cobi in ‘Mad Dogs’ which originally aired in 2015 and Frank Heffley in the ‘Wimpy Kid’ film series, to name a few. Since the premiere of ‘The Righteous Gemstones’, there has been a lot of speculation on what the upcoming projects of Steve Zahn are. Rumors suggest that the actor/comedian will be appearing in a feature film titled ‘She Dances’ in the role of ‘Jason’, a supposed primary character. The film which is predicted to be a comedy will also feature Audrey Zahn, another known actress. Audrey Zahn is an emerging actress and and the upcoming feature film will possibly be her film debut as she takes on the role of ‘Claire’.
The Crew for ‘She Dances’
Rick Gomez is said to be joining the crew for the upcoming feature film as its director. Rick Gomez is primarily known as an actor with some of his previous on-screen appearances being in works ‘The Crossing’ a sci-fi drama and ‘Justified’ which ran for 6 seasons, to name a few. As a director, Rick Gomez has done nearly 3 works one of which titled ‘An Uncandid Portrait’ starred both Steve Zahn and Audrey Zahn. The upcoming project will feature yet another collaboration between the three artists with Rick Gomez also supposedly serving as a co- writer alongside Steve Zahn. Yes, besides starring in the upcoming project, Steve Zahn will also be a part of the crew for ‘She Dances’. The film is reportedly a production under the companies Macaroni Art Productions and Wavelength Productions.