The Bureau is a French action thriller drama TV series that was first aired in France on April 27 2015. The show is composed by Eric Rochant and produced by The Oligarchs Productions (TOP) and Canal+. The series first season premiered in June 2016 on Amazon Prime for a global audience. Upon its release, ‘The Bureau’ became one of the most international series to have earned such good reviews from a whole lot of critics in the last decade to have sold in over 110 countries. The series is remarkably good and has a decent balance of suspense, political conspiracies, drama and action.
With a show as popular and successful as this, no wonder fans are curious to know what the series is up to next? Do we get a season 6 anytime soon? Let’s find out. Here’s what we know about it.
The Bureau Season 6 won’t come!
The Bureau has five seasons so far with 50 episodes in total. The fifth season was released from April 6, 2020, to May 5, 2020. It’s over a year and since we haven’t got any updates from the show makers although devoted fans have been demanding for a sixth season to bring justice to the ending of the fifth season as fans were disappointed and astounded by the lopsided finale. Will we ever get to see the male lead Malotru again? It’s quite unlikely as based on the speculations, the fifth season is the final outing of the series.
“The Bureau” Legacy Continues with “The Department”
The Bureau season 5 ending explained
Four years after season 4, Guillaume Debailly (Mathieu Kassovitz) is living in Russia under a new name in The Bureau season 5. He must infiltrate the Russian spy agency FSB and stop their plans to overthrow the French government.
Guillaume struggles to retain his new identity and is haunted by his past, complicating his objective. He also faces the challenges of living abroad and risking exposure. He is committed to his purpose despite obstacles. His passion for France and desire to defend it drove him.
Key events from The Bureau season 5 are recapped here:
- FSB infiltrator Guillaume Debailly gathers intelligence.
- When Guillaume encounters a former DGSE agent, his cover is jeopardised.
- Guillaume joins a group of Russian rebels contemplating a coup.
- Guillaume’s task is hindered by a suspicious new FSB officer.
- Guillaume must choose between his devotion to France and his increasing feelings for the Russian separatists.
- Guillaume succeeds in disrupting the FSB’s intentions. He must sacrifice to do so.
The Bureau season 5 is a thrilling thriller about espionage. It contemplates patriotism, loyalty, and sacrifice. Do watch out for more updates!
What could have been the Cast for Season 6?
If season 6 of The Bureau ever happens, it’s expected to see some of the cast return. The most obvious one is, Mathieu Kassovitz the lead cast (as Guillaume Debailly aka Malotru) and joining Mathieu Kassovitz is Sara Giraudeau (as Marina Loiseau aka Phenomenon), Zineb Triki (plays Nadia El Mansour), Florence Loiret-Caille (as Marie-Jeanne Duthilleul), Jonathan Zaccaï (as Raymond Sisteron), Pauline Étienne (as Céline Delorme), Mathieu Demy (as Clément Migaud), Patrick Ligardes (as Marcel Gaingouin), Stefan Godin (as Pierre de Lattre de Tassigny), Alba Gaïa Bellugi (as Prune Debailly), Jean-Marie Rollin (as Edouard Rubin), Irina Muluile (as Daisy Bapes), and Oleksiy Gorbunov (as Karlov).