The Murders at Starved Rock is a crime drama series that debuted on the streaming service Hulu in 2021. The show follows the investigation into a triple homicide that takes place at Illinois’s Starved Rock State Park. It stars Nick Nolte, Eric Bana, and Jean Smart as three detectives who work together to uncover the truth behind what happened at the park. The series also features supporting performances from John Leguizamo, Mark Moses, and Abigail Spencer. So far there’s only one season of the series.
Here are all the updates about the second season of The Muders at Starved Rock!
Will there be a season 2 of The Murders at Starved Rock?
At this time, there is no confirmation of a season 2 for The Murders at Starved Rock. However, we expect the renewal announcements to be made sooner. Stay connected with us for all the updates!
The Murders at Starved Rock season 2 premiere date
As the series hasn’t received the official greenlight for the second season, there’s no premiere date for now. However, if the series gets a renewal right now, we can expect season 2 to air by the end of 2023 or later in 2024!
The Official Star Cast
For the second season, we expect the return of almost all the cast members. Here’s who may be featured:
Mark Duplass as Detective John O’Brien
- Tom Everett Scott as Deputy Sheriff Jack Kline
- Sarah Bolger as Dr. Rebecca Hamilton
- Michael Rooker as Sheriff Frank Martin
- Bruce McGill as Chief Deputy Bill Miller
- Wrenn Schmidt as Coroner Linda Smithson
- Tony Hale as Professor Joseph Stone
- Julianne Nicholson as Prosecutor Dina Greenfield
What to expect from the storyline?
Season 2 of The Murders at Starved Rock will explore the aftermath of the unsolved murders that occurred in Illinois’ historic Starved Rock State Park in 1960. The case has remained a mystery for over 50 years, and the show’s protagonists are determined to uncover the truth behind what happened on that fateful night.
The season will follow Laura, a former Chicago police officer, as she teams up with her old partner and a mysterious stranger to investigate the cold case. As they dig deeper into the crime, they begin to unravel secrets that have been hidden away for decades. Along the way, they discover evidence linking the killer to powerful people and organizations, which only increases their determination to solve the case once and for all.
The team soon finds themselves embroiled in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse with powerful forces determined to keep them from finding out what really happened at Starved Rock. With time running out, can they uncover the truth before it’s too late?
Is “The Murders at Starved Rock” worth watching?
That depends on personal preference. Reviews of the series have been generally positive, with many praising the strong performances and intriguing storyline. Ultimately, whether or not The Murders at Starved Rock is worth watching is up to individual viewers.
Where to watch The Murders at Starved Rock?
You may watch the series The Murders at Starved Rock on HBO Max.
Is “The Murders at Starved Rock season 3” happening?
No updates!