This upcoming feature film will focus on Craig, a man who is happy leading a mechanized, uneventful life based on a set routine with his family. This is until his new neighbor Brian moves in, threatening Craig’s security. Titled as, ‘Friendship’ the project is predicted to be a comedy centered on a person who does not like change and what ensues when change, and a major one at that enters his life.
Not much is known regarding the further plot, setting or crew for the upcoming film, yet it is expected to commence its filming by January, next year. New York will be serving as the prime location for ‘Friendship’. Being a major filming spot, several of popular projects have had New York as its location such as, the ‘Men in Black’ film franchise which released its first movie in 1999, ‘Friends’ a classic sitcom that ran for 10 seasons, ‘The Godfather’ which premiered in 1972 and more.
Paul Rudd and Tim Robinson to Take on the Lead Roles
‘Friendship’ will potentially star Paul Rudd and Tim Robinson in lead roles and is currently under development. Paul Rudd is a known actor/ comedian who is known for his performances in, ‘Clueless’ in which he played the role of Josh, ‘Ant Man’ film series which is based on the character of the same name from Marvel Comics, ‘This Is 40′ a dramedy, ’40 Year Old Virgin’ which starred Steve Carell and more. Tim Robinson is another established actor/ comedian whose works include, ‘Detroiters’ which ran for 2 seasons, ‘Human Resources’ a spin- off to ‘Big Mouth’, ‘Digman!’ which had its first season in 2023 and more.
Melissa DeLizia will be joining the crew for ‘Friendship’ and is supposedly playing an active role in the film’s development. Melissa DeLizia is a known casting director and her works include, ‘You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah’ which premiered on Netflix, this year, ‘Drunk History’ which ran for 6 seasons and more.
What to Expect?
The concept of two neighbors not getting along and the chaos that follows is not new. Films such as ‘Deck the Halls’ which premiered in 2006 and is a holiday themed family comedy, ‘Bad Neighbors’ which released its first film in 2014 and ‘Shut Up Little Man’ which premiered in 2011, are good examples of how neighbor rivalries creates a space for comedic banters.
This upcoming feature film does, however, have something new to offer as it is primarily focused on Craig who is one with a peculiar character of his own. It will be interesting to see how Paul Rudd and Tim Robinson’s comedy magic will work for ‘Friendship’.