Mortal Kombat 2 is an upcoming American martial arts fantasy film sequel, based on the video game franchise Mortal Kombat created by John Tobias and Ed Boon. The film debuted in 2021, starring Lewis Tan, Jessica McNamee, Tadanobu Asano, Mehcad Brooks, Ludi Lin, Chin Han, Joe Taslim, Hiroyuki Sanada, with series newcomers, Karl Urban, Tati Gabrielle and Adeline Rudolph.
Owing to the ratings and reviews of the previous season, will there be a season 2 of Mortal Kombat? Can we expect the return of all our favorite characters in the second season? Here’s everything you need to know!
Will there be a sequel to Mortal Kombat?
WELL WELL! Mortal Kombat 2 has officially been renewed! That’s right, we are getting our film back with a second season!
In November 2021, the series producer Todd Garner hinted at a sequel in development on Twitter. The following year, in January 2022, the film was confirmed; besides, the writer Jeremy Slater even confirmed that he plans to include Johnny Cage in the film sequel.
The same month, Slater mentioned the film would “embrace some of [the] weirdness” inherent to the Mortal Kombat franchise, and that he wanted the film to be “unpredictable” and defy fan expectations. In June 2022, he further explained that the film’s second part would address both positive and negative fan reactions. Stay connected with us for more updates!
Mortal Kombat 2 Release Date
While the film has officially been announced, the release date is still under wraps. The makers of the film Mortal Kombat haven’t released the premiere date yet; however, we expect it to air by the end of 2023 or early 2024. It’s difficult to anticipate what format the sequel will be released in, but we are certain it will be amazo-mastic! If HBO Max reveals any information, we will update this space – until then, stay tuned!
Mortal Kombat 2 Cast
For the second part of the film Mortal Kombat, we can expect the return of all the cast members. Here’s who are expected to return:
- Lewis Tan will return as Cole Young
- Jessica McNamee will return as Sonya Blade
- Josh Lawson will return as Kano
- Mehcad Brooks will return as Jackson “Jax” Briggs
- Tadanobu Asano will return as Raiden
- Ludi Lin will return as Liu Kang
- Chin Han will return as Shang Tsung
- Joe Taslim will return as Bi-Han / Noob Saibot
- Hiroyuki Sanada will return as Hanzo Hasashi / Scorpion
- Karl Urban will return as Johnny Cage
- Tati Gabrielle will return as Jade
- Adeline Rudolph will return as Kitana
- Martyn Ford will return as Shao Kahn
- Desmond Chiam will return as King Jerrod
- Ana Thu Nguyen will return as Queen Sindel
- Damon Herriman will return as Quan Chi
- Max Huang will return as Kung Lao
Where to watch Mortal Kombat?
You may watch the film Mortal Kombat on HBO Max. The sequel will also premiere on the same streaming platform!
Is Mortal Kombat 3 happening?
No updates as of yet!
Stay connected with Nielsen report for future updates!