HBO Max’s “House of Ho” is an American reality TV series that revolves around the Hos, a Vietnamese-American family who resides in Houston, Texas. Many have pointed out this series is a striking resemblance to the popular series called “Crazy Rich Asians.” Priyanka Bose for instance of The A.V. Club asserted that the show is “a bleak portrayal of life as a crazy rich Asian”. And we couldn’t agree more except that it mainly consists of Vietnamese cast.
The series made its debut on December 10, 2020, with a total of seven episodes. Here are the list of episodes–
- Episode 1: Ho Sweet Home
- Episode 2: Ho! Ho! Ho!
- Episode 3: Ho Lotta Gossip
- Episode 4: Ho-listic
- Episode 5: Duck, Duck Ho
- Episode 6: New Year, New Ho
- Episode 7: The Big Four-Ho
The show is executively produced by Stephanie Bloch Chambers, Katy Wallin, Nick Lee, Karla LeCroix, and Rosalina Lydster while its producers are Sonya Novak and Kelly Greaney.
When the series “House of Ho” came out, viewers found it quite relatable according to how it is being illustrated of the Ho clan dynamics, particularly to Vietnamese-Americans. At the same time, many viewers have also shared their opinions that they find this series very similar to “Crazy Rich Asians”; the only difference would be that it portrays a different kind of Asian-American tale but somehow it’s overall the same. Nevertheless, this series still managed to raise eyebrows and gained the attention it deserves. Now fans are wondering whether or not “House of Ho” will return with a second season. Without wasting any more time let’s get into the deets.
Release Date of House of Ho: When is it premiering?
The first season of “House of Ho” was released back on December 10, 2020. To put it, it’s a little over a year since the series arrived on our screens, and despite the immense success of the show, HBO still hasn’t renewed the series for a second season run yet. But fans of this show are hopeful that if given the green signal new episodes would probably launch by the end of this year or early 2023. Some people (via TikTok) have even called it one of the “best shows to binge-watch right now.” So if you haven’t watched it already, go watch it now on HBO Max.
The cast of House of Ho season 2: Who’s in it?
If a second season of “House of Ho” happens, viewers can expect to see all of Ho’s family returning in the next season as well including–
- Binh Ho
- Hue Ho
- Judy Ho
- Reagan Ho
- Lesley Ho
- Washington Ho
- Aunt Tina
- Cousin Sammy
The first season of “House of Ho” starred Binh Ho and his spouse Hue Ho and showcased their luxurious home located in Houston, Texas. They also introduced us to their three glamorous children namely Washington Ho, Reagan Ho, and Judy Ho.
According to Deadline, Binh Ho, the head of the family is portrayed as the “super strict patriarch” with “nothing but good intentions.” Judy Ho explained in the trailer of House of Ho that her father and mother were once refugees who immigrated from Vietnam back in the mid-1970s. Presently, Binh Ho works as an investment banker at Lu Investment, Incorporated.
The plot of House of Ho Season 2
In the series, the Hos are presented as very traditional and the main focus of House of Ho is the primacy of family and that family should be the topmost priority. However, the substantial satisfaction was that the series introduced us to the children of Hos, Washington Ho, Reagan Ho, and Judy Jo.
In the next season, viewers will get to see more of their extravagant lifestyle and some dramas involving the Hos family.