Rebellium Films is reportedly taking up a new project, a feature film that will potentially star Utkarsh Ambudkar in the lead role. Rebellium Films is an established production company whose projects include, ‘Wild Indian’ which premiered in 2021 as a thriller, ‘Only the Good Survive’ which is written and directed by Dutch Southern and ‘Beyond Greenwood’ which is a documentary. Utkarsh Ambudkar is a popular actor who was previously seen in ‘World’s Best’ a musical comedy featuring Manny Magnus, Sathya Sridharan and more. His other performances include, Manish in ‘Never Have I Ever’, Mouser in ‘Free Guy’ and ‘Jay’ in ‘Ghosts’. The upcoming feature film is to be titled as ‘The Book of Jobs’ and is set in the early 2000s following Steve Jobs’ return to Apple.
With Tom Nunan, Talia Bella, Randy Wayne and Matthew Shreder in the production crew, ‘The Book of Jobs’ will commence its filming by November this year in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Tom Nunan and Talia Bella are acclaimed producers. Randy Wayne is an actor/ producer whose works include, ‘To Save a Life’ in which he played the lead role, ‘Heart of the Country’ which premiered in 2013 and ‘Honey 2’ which featured Kat Graham and more. Matthew Shreder is the founder of Concourse Media and is a well known producer. Some of his works are, ‘Eugene the Marine’ which is under development, ‘Semper Fi’ which premiered in 2019, ‘The Revolution Generation’ which was directed by Josh Tickell and Rebecca Tickell, ‘Percy vs Goliath’ which starred Christopher Walken and more.
Kayci Lacob Joins the Crew as the Director of ‘The Book of Jobs’
Kayci Lacob is an emerging screenwriter and producer who will be directing ‘The Book of Jobs’. The film is supposedly her debut as a director.
‘The Book Of Jobs’ will focus on an obsessive young girl, Claudia, who idolizes Steve Jobs and sees him as her inspiration and role model. Through the perspective of Claudia, the audiences are introduced to the developments and changes in perception that she experiences as she grows up into an adult. The film is said to be an accurate rendition of millennial life and will showcase how Claudia’s tale becomes a cautionary one indeed.
Seeing as how the filming will be complete by the end of this year, a potential release date will be announced by the crew soon enough. Until then, keep browsing our content for the latest updates on ‘The Book of Jobs’.