Dive Club is an Australian comedy teen drama TV show that debuted on 10 Shake from 29 May 2021 as a movie-length special. The series was released internationally on Netflix on 3 September 2021. The storyline of the series follows: “a feisty group of teen drivers who race to find their best friend when she disappears after a storm hits their small coastal town.”
It stars Miah Madden, Georgia-May Davis, Aubri Ibrag, Sana’a Shaik, Mercy Cornwall, Alexander Grant, Josh Heuston, Ryan Harrison, Joseph Spanti, and Phoenix Mendoza as the lead star cast of the show.
The series is produced by Steve Jaggi and Spencer McLaren with Jack Christian and Vanessa Shapiro as the executive producers.
The production companies behind the series are The Steve Jaggi Company, Netflix, Network 10, and Filmology Finance.
Divers Club Season 2 Release Date
So far, no announcement regarding the renewal of the Divers Club Season 2 is released by the makers yet. Thus, it would be of no use to expect the release date without a renewal. However, as per the recent updates, it’s been rumored that the series will be released shortly.
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Divers Club Season 2 Cast
Divers Club has a wide range of starcast playing different roles. As of now, Netflix has not announced any official confirmation about the cast members. However, in the view of the finale episode, we can anticipate numerous characters to reappear again in the upcoming installment of Divers Club.
They are are follows below:-
- Miah Madden will play as Maddie
- Georgia-May Davis will play as Lauren Rose
- Aubri Ibrag will play as Anna
- Sana’a Shaik will play as Stevie
- Mercy Cornwall will play as Izzie
- Joshua Heuston will play as Henry
- Alexander Grant will play as Hayden
- Joseph Spanti will play as Brad
- Phoenix Mendoza will play as Camille
- Jai Koutre will play as Chief Jack Rose
- Veronica Neave will play as Mayor Renee Volkov
- John McNeill will play as Sea Dog
- Kate Peters will play as Victoria Volkov
- Tim Ross will play as John Martin
- Yasmin Kassim will play as Lucinda
Divers Club: Where To Watch?
Divers Club is produced by The Steve Jaggi Company, Netflix, Network 10, and Filmology Finance. Currently, the first season of the series is streaming on Netflix. Once the second installment is released, it’ll be available on the same platform.
Divers Club Season 2 Trailer
As of November 2022, no trailer regarding the Divers Club Season 2 has been released from the production’s end. This is because Netflix fails to renew the series on time. However, if anything comes out from Netflix’s end, we’ll keep you posted. Stay tuned!
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