“Family Secrets” is a Polish mystery dramedy series discharged on Netflix on August 31, 2022. Łukasz Ostalski serves as the director of the series from a screenplay by Agnieszka Pilaszewska. The first season consisted of eight episodes in total with a runtime varying roughly from 42 to 53 minutes.
According to Netflix’s official synopsis, The series centers on “a couple’s wedding day which threatens to turn disastrous when they begin to unravel a web of secrets and lies that connects their two families.” There are a lot of amusing threads and heavy dramas in the program. Systematic flashbacks and leaps in time make the swiftness of the tale very quick and periodically you might find it confusing and yet enjoyable to watch.
If you have already watched the first season, I’m sure you’re craving more. So without any delay, let’s dive into the details below concerning season 2 of Family Secrets.
Family Secrets Season 2 Release Date: Renewed or Canceled?
As of October 2022, Family Secrets has not yet been renewed for the second run. Netflix will decide whether to renew the series for a second installment based on the ratings and viewership of the first season. The series was released in its entirety on August 31, 2022, on Netflix. Although there’s been no news from the producers, it’s most likely that the new season will arrive sometime in mid or late 2023 at the earliest if renewed.
The Cast of Family Secrets Season 2
In season we expect all the main characters to return and some of the supporting characters including:
- Eliza Rycembel plays the part of Kaska Bilska
- Izabela Kuna plays Malgorzata Bilska
- Malgorzata Mikolajczak plays Alicja Bilska
- Piotr Pacek plays Pawel Drzewiecki
- Bartosz Gelner plays Jan Jaworowicz
- Edyta Olszówka plays Dorota Jaworowicz
- Pawel Delag in the role of Emil Jaworowicz
- Adrian Zaremba will be back as Robert
- Agnieszka Suchora in the role of Teresa
- Alma Asuai plays Anka
- Aleksandra Adamska portrays Agnieszka
- Waldemar Blaszczyk portrays Krzysztof
- Ewa Gawryluk plays Helena
- Dominika Kluzniak will portray Joanna vel Nun Beatrycze Cezary Kosinski plays the role of Priest Andrzej
- Szymon Kukla will be back as Lucjan Rajski
- Jakub Przebindowski in the part of Dean Jedrzej
- Barbara Rogowska plays the Daughter of Agnieszka & Jedrzej
- Zofia Rogowska plays the Daughter of Agnieszka and Jedrzej
- Pawel Tomaszewski in the role of Maciek
- Bogumila Trzeciakowska will play the part of Klara Matysewicz
- Marek Kalita in the role of Marek Bilski
- Anna Romantowska portrays the role of Jolanta
- Dorota Kopka plays Singing Nun
- Marcin Korcz plays Dawid
- Anna Gzyra plays Nurse
Family Secrets Season 2 Plot
In season two, the series might explore the relationship further between Malgosia and Marek as they have rekindled the connection with her wife. The show’s storyline may come off as very strong and sometimes makes it a tad bit confusing to comprehend as there are many flashback sequences.
It takes a haphazard way to disclose the puzzles at specific times, but usually, it spreads out some more things to put in surprises and twists. And as mentioned earlier, the renewal of the program is mainly dependent on its rating and viewership, and so far the reaction has been favorable and demand has been extremely high for Family secrets season 2.