Netflix is reportedly developing another new project, a series titled as ‘Subteran’ that is bound to peak your interests with its novel plotline. Being taken up under Mobra Films, the series will narrate the story of Cami, a woman who uses her intelligence take revenge on an underworld group that turns her life upside down. Determined to save her son, Cami ends up playing the role of lover and hacker for an undercover detective is in desperate need of help. the rest of the film follows how Cami attempts to succeed in her quest overcoming the underworld’s attacks levied at her. Mobra Films is an established production company based in Romania whose works include, ‘R.M.N’ which was written and directed by Cristian Mungiu, The Father who Moves Mountains’ which featured Adrian Titieni, Elena Purea, Judith State, Valeriu Andriuţă and Tudor Smoleanu, ‘The Sisters Brothers’ which was written by Jacques Audiard and Thomas Bide Gain and ‘Graduation’ which premiered in 2016, to name a few. Besides films, Mobra Films have also produced shorts and Documentaries. The upcoming series has reportedly commenced its filming and is predicted to premiere soon. Romania will be serving as the primary location of ‘Subteran’.
Ana Ularu and Florin Piersic Jr. to Join the Cast for ‘Subteran’
As per our sources, Ana Ularu and Florin Piersic Jr. will be performing primary roles in the upcoming series. Ana Ularu is a popular actress who is known for her performances in, ‘Siberia’ which premiered in 2018, ‘Spy/Master’ a series set during the Cold War, ‘Emerald City’ which was directed by Tarsem Singh and more. Florin Piersic Jr. is another known actor whose works include, ‘Fix Alert’ which premiered in 2005, ‘Quod Erat Demonstrandum’ a thriller drama, ‘Moon Hotel Kabul’ which was directed by Anca Damian and more.
Anca Miruna Lăzărescu, Daniel Sandu and Octav Gheorghe will supposedly be the directors for ‘Subteran’. Anca Miruna Lăzărescu is an award winning filmmaker whose works include, ‘Happiness Sucks’ which premiered in 2018 and more. Daniel Sandu is another popular artist who is known for his works, ‘One Step Behind the Seraphim’ and Mobra Films’ ‘The Father Who Moves Mountains’, to name a few. Octav Gheorghe is a known director whose works include, ‘One True Singer’ which premiered in 2022 and more. Tudor Reu, Johnathan Young and Steve Bailie will be co- producing the upcoming series. Additionally, Steve Bailie will be composing the screenplay for ‘Subteran’ alongside, Octav Gheorghe (the director for the film) and Peter Kerek. With a set cast and crew, ‘Subteran’ is predicted to complete its filming soon.