America’s big deal is a beloved business reality TV series based in the United States of America. In this game show, ambitious entrepreneurs pitch their products to America and compete to win the chance to strike a life-changing deal with a retail giant. It had it’s first airing on 14th of October in the year 2021. Diehard fans of the show have been on their edge of their seat for its future. After its premier on USA network, it’s fate lies in the network’s decision.
Updates for America’s Big Deal Season 2
Aided by Access Hollywood’s Scott Evans, who also holds an Emmy award nomination under his name, this show allows amateur businessmen to showcase their entrepreneurial ventures into the open world of market through its airing at 9PM. Alongside his shining presence, this show is carried by the renowned American producer and innovator, Joy Mangano. It is a first of it’s kind, live and shoppable competition series that aims to invite innovators from the different nooks and crannies of the USA. Once on the show, the businessmen’s goal is to sell their company’s products in an appealing manner on air. Additionally, the products are being demonstrated
to the viewers of the show sitting at home. They have the choice to go through their products and business itself. This is made possible by One Platform Commerce of NBC universal. This mechanism NBC Universal’s One Platform Commerce technology stack now provides the data-driven products, services and capabilities marketers need to reach their business goals, while also creating a better experience for viewers.
What was the Plot?
Understanding that a big purchase order is on the line for the entrepreneur who makes the most live sales, these inventors will prepare bold and innovative product pitches unlike anything seen before in the traditional television shopping landscape. By purchasing their favorite products each week, viewers will take an active role in deciding which entrepreneur will win the night and stand before the panel of retail titans to field what will be life changing deals. At the top of each episode, viewers will be prompted to participate in the upcoming shoppable competition experience in three easy steps: first, scan the ShoppableTV code that appears on-screen, shop your favorite products, and then complete your purchase seamlessly with NBC Universal Checkout.
USA network is yet to decide on whether they plan to renew the business reality TV show for a second season or cancel it from that possibility.