Valeria is an English abbreviation of Spanish comedy-drama TV series that debuted on 8 May 2020, on Netflix. Created by María López Castaño for Netflix, the storyline of the series is based on the novel series En los zapatos de Valeria by Elísabet Benavent. The story revolves around a writer named Valeria who feels that something is missing in her marriage and writing.
It stars Diana Gómez, Silma López, Paula Malia, Teresa Riott, Maxi Iglesias, Ibrahim Al Shami, and Juanlu González as the lead star cast. The series is produced by César Benítez in association with María López Castaño, Marina Pérez, and Elísabet Benavent.
Will there be Valeria Season 3?
On 12 June 2020, Valerie was renewed for a second season after getting an extraordinary response from the first season. While the second season was released on 13 August 2021. As far as the third season of the series is concerned, in October 2021, Netflix reported that Valeria was renewed for a third and final season.
Valeria Season 3 Cast
As of now, Netflix has not disclosed the cast members for the upcoming season of the series. Both the previous seasons were stacked with an incredible cast member. Also, considering the finale of the second season, we can expect some cast to reappear again if the season happens.
Here is the list of cast members to be seen in the coming season.
- Diana Gómez will play the role of Valeria
- Silma López will play the role of Lola
- Paula Malia will play the role of Carmen
- Teresa Riott will play the role of Nerea
- Maxi Iglesias will play the role of Víctor
- Ibrahim Al Shami will play the role of Adrián
- Juanlu González will play the role of Borja
- Mero González as Zaida
- Júlia Molins will play the role of Cris
- Aitor Luna will play the role of Sergio
- Melissa Fernández will play the role of Carmen’s coworker
- Esperanza Guardado as Lidia
- Raquel Ventosa will play the role of Olga
- Cris Iglesias will play the role of Gloria
- Nicolás Coronado will play the role of Carlos
Valeria Season 3 Release Date
The first edition of the series premiered on 8 May 2020, with a total of 8 episodes each of around 25-40 minutes long. Within a year, the second season of the series was renewed by the makers considering the popularity of the series. The second season premiered on 13 August 2021 with the same number of episodes as the previous one. As per the latest updates, the series has been officially announced by the makers. However, there has not been any official announcement on the release date. Thus, without official confirmation, we cannot provide a release date.
Valeria: Where To Watch?
You may watch the series on Netflix.
Valeria Season 3 Trailer
As of now, there is no trailer released for The Valeria Season 3. As soon as the series is out, we’ll keep you updated. Till then, stay connected with us!