David Gordon Green is rumored to direct this upcoming comedy by Lean Machine Films, titled as, ‘Uncle Jason’. David Gordon Green is a popular filmmaker who is known for his works, ‘Halloween’ film series, ‘Your Highness’ which premiered in 2011 as a comedy, ‘Bones and All’ starring Taylor Russell and Timothée Chalamet, ‘Pineapple Express’ which premiered in 2008 and ‘Stronger’ a sports themed drama, to name a few. Lean Machine Films is a known production company whose works include, ‘Your Place or Mine’ which premiered on Netflix in 2023, ‘Crazy Ex- Girlfriend’ which earned 4 Emmys and a Golden Globe following its premiere, and more. The upcoming feature film is predicted to be a character driven comedy entertainer surrounding Jason Mahoney the protagonist and a seemingly adored man in the story.
A Look at the Crew
‘Uncle Jason’ is reportedly in its developmental stage and will potentially stream on Netflix. Rough House Pictures will be joining Lean Machine Films for the development of the upcoming feature film. Rough House Pictures is another known production company whose works include, ‘Tarantula’ which premiered in 2017, ‘Chozen’ which premiered in 2014 as an animated comedy, ‘The Righteous Gemstones’ from Danny McBride and more. Heather Morris will be joining the crew as the producer for ‘Uncle John’. Heather Morris is a popular dancer, actress and producer who is popular for her performances in ‘Glee’ which ran for 6 seasons, ‘Ice Age: Continental Drift’ which premiered in 2009, ‘Dancing with the Stars’ a reality show and more. Aline Brosh McKenna and Jack Dolgen will be composing the screenplay for the upcoming feature film. Aline Brosh McKenna is a known screenwriter and her works include, Lean Machine Films’ ‘Your Place or Mine’ and ‘Crazy Ex- Girlfriend’ among others. Jack Dolgen is another popular artist who is primarily known for his work in music.
Plot for ‘Uncle John’
The upcoming feature film commences with an introduction to Jason Mahoney, who is loved by everyone around him due to his selfless nature. He is the first guy to drive his friends to the airport or coach their kids’ sport team. He is often considered as the MVP of his friend group and is always there when anyone needs him. However, things begin to change when he falls for a woman named Devon. Devon is not particularly a favorite in his
friend group, and in an attempt to not lose him, his friends team up with their kids to control his love life. What follows is a humorous sequence of Uncle Jason learning to find his own path without the interference of his friends.