A music centered coming of age comedy drama is reportedly under production and is set to have Isabel Hagen joining the crew as the director of the film. Titled, ‘On A String’, the upcoming feature film will narrate the story of Isabel, a violinist who experiences the revelations that accompany one while growing up. Being a graduate at Julliard, Isabel plays as a freelancer in New York with a constant feeling of doubt regarding her path. Despite living at her parents’ home with her rather quirky family, she tries her best to find her footing in the New York City’s unconventional music scene alongside her type A violinist friend. But things begin to change when ‘New York Philharmonic’s’ chief cellist and Isabel’s toxic ex reappears in her life to haunt her. With an impulsive decision, she auditions for the prestigious orchestra. But there is only one problem, Isabel is not sure if she enjoys what she does. As Isabel obsessively pursues what she thinks she needs, she must come to terms with her changing tastes and learn to get past what she is expected to do.
Meet the Crew
Isabel Hagen is a violinist herself and a comedian based in New York. She has starred in a web series titled ‘Is A Violinist’ which was released in 2020. Isabel Hagen is an emerging actress and if the rumors are indeed true, she will be writing the screenplay for ‘On A String’. Torrance Shepherd, Olivia Vessel, Alex Vara, Catherine Cowin and Charlotte Ray Rosenberg will be joining the crew as the film’s producers. Torrance Shepherd’s films include, Kong: Skull Island’ and ‘Severance’. Alex Vara is an actress/ writer who is a surfacing producer alongside Olivia Vessel. Catherine Cowin is an emerging creator while Charlotte Ray Rosenberg is an actress who has starred in ‘Little Manhattan’.
‘On A String’ is reportedly commencing its filming by the end of October this year. Seeing as how the film’s plot is entirely set in New York, it is no surprise that the place will be serving as the prime location for, ‘On A String’. Being home to tall skyscrapers, art galleries, ‘The New York Philharmonic’ and several trends, there is no other place that is as apt as New York to be chosen as the setting for the upcoming dramedy.
With a novel take on the popular genre, ‘On a String’ is predicted to be an enjoyable piece throughout. Being equally talented in music as she is in comedy, there is no doubt that Isabel Hagen will be working with the crew to make this upcoming piece a humor filled entertainer.