Texas Metal is a reality tv show that airs on MotorTrend TV. The show revolves around Ekstensive Metal Works’ owner Bill Carlton and his ingenious squad, who build and design absurdly desirable automobiles and trucks. The current owner Bill is a third-generation Welder who utilizes every bit from worn-away junks to top-notch automobiles to build incredible engines. The reality program has been executive produced by Dan Miller alongside Patrick Myatt, and Joshua Berkley. Texas Metal has so far produced a total of six seasons and fans have been marveling at whether or not the show will be back with another season.
If you’re here to find out more about the seventh season of Texas Metal then we have got you covered. Continue reading below for more information.
Will There Be a Season 7 of Texas Metal?
As of October 2023, the creators have not shared any concrete details on whether the reality show will return with yet another season in the future. But given this show is the network’s highest-rated program, fans can expect Bill and his talented squad at Ekstensive Metal to be back for more.
Since 2017, the show has gained quite a positive reputation for Bill and his creative squad for fulfilling the wishes of their customers when it comes to building and designing their dream cars. Also, considering the amount of love it receives from fans, another season will likely be produced.
Texas Metal Season 7: Is it Renewed or Canceled?
Currently, the show has not been renewed or canceled yet. Given the popularity of the show, it is likely that a seventh season will be renewed. The sixth season was released in January 2023 and is still ongoing. So fans need to wait for official updates concerning the following season.
“If fans desire a seventh season, we’ll do it.” Showrunner David Zirillo told MotorTrend about the Texas Metal season 7 renewal.
Texas Metal Season 7 renewal has not been announced by the cast or crew as of this writing—however, there’s a good possibility that the series may be renewed for its seventh edition.
First, Texas Metal is one of the most successful custom truck shows on TV. The show’s brilliant cast, crew, and excellent production quality have won over a wide and loyal audience.
Second, the show’s creators want a seventh season. Showrunner David Zirillo told MotorTrend, “We enjoy making this show and are always looking for new methods to produce the world’s best custom trucks. If fans desire a seventh season, we’ll do it.”
Also, MotorTrend usually renews popular shows. Popular series like Top Gear America and Wheeler Dealers were renewed by MotorTrend. Let’s see what happens with this one. We shall update this space as and when we find any information—until then, please stay connected with us!
More Car Action, Comedy, and Drama—Texas Metal Season 7 Expected Plot
There is no plot for Texas Metal Season 7 yet because it has not been announced. However, the past seasons suggest these narrative points for a seventh season:
- The cast may confront new competition, custom truck construction trends, or business initiatives in the show.
- The program may expose new shop staff, clients, or competition.
- Traveling to car exhibitions, contests, and parts and resources for projects might be the show’s plot.
- The show could delve into cast members’ relationships, families, and interests.
- More behind-the-scenes footage of bespoke vehicle building could help people learn how to build a world-class truck.
A seventh season of Texas Metal would certainly feature car action, comedy, and drama. It would be a chance to see the cast’s best work and hear about their personal struggles.
The Texas Metal Cast Detailed Summary
The Texas Metal cast is invited to compete in the “Ultimate Truck Challenge.” The tournament is hosted by wealthy automotive enthusiast Jackson Storm, known for his extravagant construction. The cast wants to win the $1 million ultimate prize.
Challenges test the cast’s custom truck-building skills in numerous areas. Build a truck that can handle a demanding off-road course initially. Building the most inventive vehicle design is the second difficulty. The final challenge is to design the fastest and most potent track truck.
The cast works hard to create their trucks but faces personal challenges. Bill worries about his shop’s survival and ability to compete with the other teams. As the youngest contender, Rydell worries he won’t do well. Katie is having trouble juggling competition work and parenthood.
The $1 million winner is the team that designs the best truck in all three competitions. But competitiveness goes beyond money. The cast is tested on their originality, abilities, and passion for their craft. Stay tuned for further updates!
When is Texas Metal Season 7 Releasing?
The first season was released on November 7, 2017. The second season aired on November 7, 2018. The third season came out on January 21, 2020. The fourth season premiered on March 3, 2021. The fifth season was launched on January 19, 2022. The sixth season came out on January 18, 2023. Regarding the release date of the seventh season of Texas Metal, it’s unclear because the show has not been renewed yet. Considering the show’s been greenlit each year with a 10-12 episode season, a new season is expected to be greenlit sometime this year. This means that season 7 will be out in early 2024.
What Can We Expect in Season 7 of Texas Metal?
Just like the previous season, if season seven of Texas Metal is renewed the team will be back with a new bunch of terrific works in the potential upcoming season. Although the organization works on numerous projects, it is entirely up to the producers for which ones to put up on the show.
In the next season, we will once again see new customers show up with their automobiles at the Ekstensive Metal Workshop to get the magic done on the customers’ vehicles.
Texas Metal Season 7: Is it Returning in 2023?
(updated 10/10/2023)
As of yet, Velocity has not yet confirmed the show’s renewal status. Hence, the series is still not renewed or canceled. Moreover, the sixth season is ongoing and fans would have to wait for some time for the current season to finish airing for the show makers to make an announcement regarding the prospect of the show and whether or not they would want to do another season. So as you wait for further updates about season 7, you can watch the sixth season which is currently streaming on Prime Video.