The Canadian drama TV series ‘Northern Rescue’ is conceived by Mark Bacci with David Cormican and Dwayne Hill. The series is produced by DCTV (Don Carmody Television), distributed by CBC in Canada and Netflix for international viewers. The first season was released on March 1, 2019. It features William Baldwin and Kathleen Robertson.
The story follows John West (William Baldwin), a search and rescue supervisor, who after the demise of his spouse, moves to a fictional place known as Turtle Island Bay, Ontario with his three kids.
The series received generally positive reviews and with the first season which ended on a cliffhanger, many viewers have been eagerly awaiting season 2. But will the tale continue in the next chapter? Here is everything you need to know about season 2 of Northern Rescue.
When Is The Release Date of Northern Rescue Season 2?
As of now, the show is not yet renewed by CBC or Netflix. Moreover, things were left unresolved in the first season and fans hope to see a second season of the series to explore further into the story.
However, the comment made by star William Baldwin to Esme Mazzao, a journalist on Twitter suggests that the show has not been renewed.
Needless to say, it’s been three years since the showrunners have given any updates concerning season 2 of Northern Rescue. Nothing is certain for now but if the program returns with the next season, it’ll likely be released somewhere in 2022 or 2023 at the earliest.
The Cast of Northern Rescue Season 2: Who’s In It?
The cast members as seen in the first season will return in the second season as well including –
- William Baldwin in the role of John West
- Kathleen Robert will return as Charley Anders
- Spencer MacPherson will reprise his role as Scout West
- Michelle Nolden will play Sarah West
- Evan Marsh will be seen playing Henry
- Sebastien Roberts will portray the character of Alex
- Amalia Williamson will play the role of Madelyn
- Taylor Thorne will be back as Taylor West
In addition to that, there’s a high chance that viewers would get to see Rick Walker returning in the possible second season of Northern Rescue.
Northern Rescue Season 2 Plot: Expectations
Plot details are not known at the moment nor did the showrunners have revealed anything when it comes to the second season of the series but we believe that the story would be picked up from where it finished.
On the off chance, if Netflix and CBC choose to renew the series for the next installment, it’s going to be another intriguing season but currently, the release date and storyline are still unknown, therefore, it’s difficult to predict the prospect of the show.
Nevertheless, the continual of the story would make the audience more satisfied because the suspense from the previous season left many of us wanting to know what might actually happen in the second season.
Where to Watch Northern Rescue?
All ten episodes of Season 1 of Northern Rescue are available for streaming on Netflix.
Was “Northern Rescue” renewed for a third season?
there was no official announcement regarding the renewal or cancellation of “Northern Rescue” for a third season. However, fans of the show can stay tuned for updates and news from the show’s creators or Netflix.
“Northern Rescue” received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. Some praised the show’s strong performances and emotional storytelling, while others criticized its predictable plot and formulaic approach. Despite this, the show has garnered a dedicated fanbase who are hopeful for a third season. In the meantime, fans can re-watch their favorite episodes and keep an eye out for any news about the show’s future.
The show is called Northern Rescue because it’s about returning home. 🏡
The worst day of your life can make you into the person you were always meant to be. #NorthernRescue
If you like adventures, you’re gonna love Northern Rescue
Can’t be more excited for Northern Rescue season 2!
Northern Rescue was one of the best thrilling rides you could get into!
How soon can we expect Northern Rescue season 2? Please tell me.
Go check out the Northern Rescue as soon as possible.
John West is the best rescue supervisor ever!
John West as a character is soo perfect for Northern Rescue!
Northern Rescue Season 2 is coming to @netflix, Hurrah!
What’s your favourite show on @netflix ? We’re loving Northern Rescue 📺
When people tell you something’s not possible, show them this. Northern Rescue.
Northern season 2 would be a must-watch!
Let me know if there’s someone as excited as me for Northern Rescue season 2!
Northern Rescue season 2, we’ve been waiting long for this!
Northern Rescue is an exciting thriller to watch!
Northern Rescue season 2 should be produced and presented as soon as possible.