‘Commodity’, an upcoming feature film under Rock This World Productions will narrate a tale inspired from true events. Based on the illegal drug and human trafficking taking place in the Mexican Cartel, ‘Commodity’ will focus on two brothers, one being a former military and the other, a current small town cop, who team up in an attempt to solve the killing of their childhood friend. Rock This World Productions is a non- profit emerging production studio who will head the production for ‘Commodity’.
The Crew for ‘Commodity’
Randy Chapman, Travis Conover and Florina Popa will be joining the crew as the film’s producers. Travis Conover is the president of StoryTeller Film company whose productions include, ‘Project Genesis’ which he directed, ‘Find Your Place’ which was released in 2020 and more. Randy Chapman and Florina Popa are emerging producers. The screenplay for ‘Commodity’ will be composed by Joel DeVisser who will also serve as the feature film’s director. Joel DeVisser is a known director whose works include, ‘Game Changer’ among others. Other additions to the crew include Michele Poncier and more. Joel DeVisser is associated with a short titled ‘Commodity’ which was released in 2015 and narrated the story of a young girl who gets abducted and sold to a human trafficker. Joel DeVisser joined the team for the film as its writer, director and a cast member. The upcoming feature film does take place in this illegal underworld of Mexican Drug cartel, yet, the new film, ‘Commodity’ will be narrated from the perspectives of the sibling duo. ‘Commodity’ is supposedly commencing its filming by the end of October, this year. Hence, there is a possibility of the film premiering in early 2024. Russell Springs is to serve as the primary location for the upcoming feature film. Russell Springs is a place in Kentucky that has appeared in numerous works of fiction.
‘Commodity’ and the Mexican Cartel
Cases have been reported in the past on multiple drug cartels in Mexico which began gaining popularity since the 70s. There have also been cases of fights between cartels which ultimately resulted in government interventions. ‘Commodity’ will primarily focus on the revenge of the brothers against the killing of their friend, but several insights into the corrupt cartels in Mexico can be expected to be showcased. Though not much is known regarding the cast and the progress of the plot for ‘Commodity’, it is possible that the film will lean towards the genres of action and crime thrillers.