This upcoming film deals with a man’s struggle against Miopia and is rumored to feature Nino Frassica and Caterina Murino in lead roles. Titled as, ‘Miopia’, the film will focus on Francesco Berardi, a man in his thirties, who returns to life following a failed attempt at suicide. Having lost his wife in an uncleared car accident, Francesco Berardi is in grief and with Miopia obstructing his vision, He gets a chance to see things from a different point of view, understanding how things are often not as they really are. However, he soon finds himself slowly slipping into madness which is caused by his inability to accept the injustices of the corrupt and alienating society he lives in. This pushes him to rebel, sometimes with not too legal methods, against these injustices while his ten-year-old daughter, Teresa grows up. The man’s aim remains constant in creating an equal society and happy harmony in the world in which his daughter can live.
The development of ‘Miopia’ is undertaken by Moviestart Productions. Moviestart Productions is an emerging production company. The upcoming feature film will most likely commence its filming by January, next year. Marche, Italy will be serving as the prime location for ‘Miopia’.
Details on the Crew for ‘Miopia’
With Nino Frassica and Caterina Murino in lead roles, ‘Miopia’ will potentially be directed by Rocco Mortelliti. Nino Frassica is a known artist whose works include, ‘The Hottest Summer’ which premiered in 2023 and was directed by Matteo Pilati, ‘Uno di famiglia’ a dramedy featuring Pietro Sermonti, Moise Curia and more in the cast, ‘School of Mafia’ which premiered in June 2021 and ‘Natale a Londra: Dio Salvi la Regina’ a gangster themed comedy, among others. Caterina Murino is a known actress whose works include, ‘Casino Royale’ in which she played the role of Solange, ‘L’enquete Corse’ an action comedy which premiered in 2004, ‘Voice from the Stone’ which was directed by Eric D. Howell, ‘The Garden of Eden’ a drama thriller which premiered in 2008 and more.
Rocco Mortelliti is a known filmmaker whose works include, ‘The Vanishing of Pato’ which premiered in 2010 and ‘La Strategia Della Maschera’ which premiered in 1999 and starred Béatrice Macola and Pino Caruso, to name a few. Roberto Siepi will be joining the crew for the upcoming feature film as its producer. Roberto Siepi is an emerging producer. Additionally, Rai Cinema, a known production company will be joining Moviestart Productions for the development of ‘Myopia’.