‘Bunny-Man’ is an upcoming thriller film which is rumored to have Mike Tyson, Meredith Mickelson, Débora Nascimento and Federico Cempella join its cast. The film is supposedly centered on a wealthy man who dons a bunny mask as a disguise as he wreaks vengeance upon the people who caused his family’s demise. Having had the perfect life in the past, the protagonist’s life changes when his sister becomes a victim of rape. The incident which was caught on tape, becomes leaked, leading to his sister’s suicide. Now he is out in disguise, to take revenge on the wrongdoings that were committed, turning into a superhero in the process.
As of now ‘Bunny-Man’ is reportedly under production and is predicted to wrap up its filming soon. Being a production under the company Tatatu, the details on the film’s further progress is predicted to be made soon.
A Closer Look at the Cast and Crew for ‘Bunny-Man’
Daniel H. Friedman and Andrea Iervolino are seemingly part of the crew for the upcoming feature film as its writers. Meanwhile, Andrea Iervolino is also supposedly serving as the producer for ‘Bunny-Man’. Daniel H. Friedman is an emerging artist. Andrea Iervolino is primarily known as a producer and is a recipient of numerous accolades.
In the upcoming feature film, Mike Tyson is said to appear as himself while Meredith Mickelson, Débora Nascimento and Federico Cempella will potentially portray the characters Claudia, Lucinda and Evan respectively. Mike Tyson, a world renowned former boxer recently starred in ‘Liger’ a Bollywood film. Meredith Mickelson is an emerging actress whose previous on-screen appearances include Gia in the 2023 action film titled ‘Paradox Effect’. Débora Nascimento is a known actress whose supposed last on-screen appearance was in the series titled ‘How to Be a Carioca’ in which she played the role of Soraya. Federico Cempella is another emerging actor.