This new feature film is set in a hospital and will follow two individuals, each dealing with an ailment, who fall in love and discover the pleasures of life. Being developed under Genoma Films, a relatively new production company based in Italy, the feature film is titled as, ‘La Stanza Indaco’. Some of their works which are currently under development include, ‘Returning to the East’ which will be directed by Antonio Pisu, ‘Rossini Swing’ which will possibly have Sara Ciocca and Stefano Fressi in lead roles, and more.
Our sources suggest that the upcoming feature film will most likely commence its production by February, next year. As for the location, ‘La Stanza Indaco’ will be filmed at Bologna, Italy. Paolo Rossi Pisu will potentially be joining the crew for the upcoming feature film as its producer. Paolo Rossi Pisu is a surfacing producer who is the co- founder of Genoma Films alongside Antonio Pisu and Marta Miniucchi. Marta Miniucchi and Davide Cocchi will most likely compose the screenplay for ‘La Stanza Indaco’. Davide Cocchi is another emerging producer. Besides being one of the writers for the upcoming feature film, Marta Miniucchi will also be directing it. Some of the works of Marta Miniucchi are, ‘Nobili bugie’ which premiered in 2017 as a dramedy and ‘Benelli su Benelli’ which premiered in 2021. Other additions to the crew include Marco Ferri among others.
A Hint of the Plot for ‘La Stanza Indaco’
The upcoming feature film will potentially be a romantic drama about India and Romeo and will follow their story while their time in the “Indigo Room”, a place that is quite literally between heaven and earth, on the eleventh floor of the S.Orsola Hospital in Bologna in the Intensive Care Unit. On one hand, Romeo is a regular “guest”, a handsome and sweet boy who is terminally ill with leukemia. Yet, he does not let it get in his way of living his life and continues to go along passionately alongside his love for drums. On the other, India is a young teenager, who suffers from Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and is forced into cyclical and constant hospitalizations. When fate conspires for them to meet, they discover that they share many things and a great, indissoluble and indestructible love is born with the sparks that fly. The rest of the film will showcase how they try, with all their strength, to live their existence in love.