Lost Bullet 3 – Lost Bullet or Balle perdue (in French) is a 2022 sequel to a French action movie that Guillaume Pierret will be directing. It is a follow-up to Lost Bullet, which debuted on Netflix in 2020. Having received an amazing response from the audience, the Lost Bullet sequel was announced in March 2021 on Netflix. Filming occurred in the Occitanie region and at Agde in Hérault, France, in October 2021.
With the first two films already being on the air, there has been much speculation about the third film – here’s everything we know about Lost Bullet 3!
Lost Bullet 3 Potential Release Date
According to Deadline, third Lost Bullet movie has already been announced by the makers, and its filming will begin soon. The plot is about a mechanic, Lino, who has a passion for Ram vehicles. Still, when he encounters unsavory law enforcement, he is offered a deal he can’t refuse: he must put his enthusiasm at their disposal to escape going to jail.
While the third film has already been announced, there’s no current release date. If the makers make any revelations regarding the official premiere date, we shall keep this space updated – until then, stay connected with us!
Lost Bullet 3: Plot Revelations & Spoilers
Since Charas’ passing and the conclusion of Lost Bullet six months ago, Lino has been a member of Julia’s drug crime unit. But he constantly looks for the people who killed his brother Quentin and his master Charas. Each night, he watches Stella, the guilty party Areski’s wife, but Areski never comes home. He is urged to give up his mission, stop living in his car, and continue by his police coworkers.
He receives a set of Renault keys from Julia. He learns that they belong to Charas’ 1990s 2 litre turbo, which was totaled in the last movie and was kept in the police station. Lino fixes it, gives it a blue paint job, and gives it a huge battery to power a front ram that is used to stop drug-carrying vehicles.
A year later, Lino is once more driving repurposed police cars in police raids on drug smugglers. While on a job, he encounters Spanish policeman Alvaro across the border, who discloses that Charas was a friend of his. While Julia is sorry that their prior relationship ended, Lino is now dating Stella.
After receiving a phoney phone call from a drug lord who wants Marco killed regarding his foster mother’s poor health, he travels to a hidden country site where he discovers that Areski’s henchman, Marco, is being detained under order to fight drug runners, his police colleagues had kept a secret that Marco was under their care.
Instead of executing Marco as the drug lord had intended, Lino fends off multiple law enforcement officers before transporting Marco to Spain in the Renault. There, the police are eagerly awaiting his capture so that he can also face justice.
Following Lino and Marco, a very lengthy vehicle chase scene occurs that features both good and bad police, drug dealers, car swaps, explosions, border checkpoints, and fatalities. In a chase with Julia, the Renault is likewise obliterated.
In addition to trying and failing to smuggle Marco into Spain, Alvaro and his team also manage to save Lino’s life. The case against multiple drug dealers and dishonest police is ruined when Julia accidentally kills Marco, a crucial witness, across the Spanish border.
Alexander Resz, the dishonest chief of the Narcotics Department of Police, who sent numerous police after Lino on his journey to Spain, is the new threat. Lino accuses himself in an effort to assume responsibility for Julia.
When Julia’s boss, Moss, asked her to testify in court that Lino killed Marco in order to cover up the death and her own error, Julia resigned from the force. After removing Charas’ crucifix during the last scene, Areski returns to the scene in search of the most recent Renault wreckage, launching the franchise’s next installment.
For the third film, we expect the plot to get picked up from where the second film concluded. However, the makers haven’t made any potential revelations so far. If we find any information regarding the storyline or spoilers for Lost Bullet three, we shall update this space – until then, stay connected with us!
Who will be included in part 3 of the Lost Bullet film series’ cast?
For the third film, we can expect the return of almost all the cast members from the previous movies, including:
- Alban Lenoir as Lino
- Stéfi Celma as Julia
- Pascale Arbillot as Moss
- Sébastien Lalanne as Marco
- Diego Martín as Alvaro
- Jérôme Niel as Yann
- Khalissa Houicha as Victoria
- Quentin d’Hainaut as Yuri
- Anne Serra as Stella
- Thibaut Evrard as Le lieutenant Bruno
- Nicolas Duvauchelle as Areski
Where to watch Lost Bullet Three?
You can watch the last two films of Lost Bullet on Netflix. The third film will also likely air on the same platform – happy watching!
Is Lost Bullet 4 happening any time soon?
No updates as of yet!