Created by ITV, Little Boy Blue is an American drama series that debuted on 24 April and ran till 15 May 2017, on ITV. The series’ storyline depicts the crime and murder of a young child, Rhys Jones, who lives in Croxteth, Liverpool.
The series was immensely loved and appreciated by fans and critics worldwide. Due its exceptional screenplay, the series managed to earn multiple nominations and awards. Brian F. O’Byrne, one of the cast members of the series, won Best Supporting Actor in 2018 at British Academy Television.
Little Boy Blue Season 2: Renewal Status
The first season of Little Boy Blue Season 2 premiered on 18 April 2017. ITV ordered the series in 2016, which premiered on 24 April 2017, and the episodes were released weekly, concluding on 15 May.
Little Boy Blue Season 2 Cast
The first season of Little Boy Blue is filled with incredible cast members. We might expect the comeback of previous members for the upcoming season.
- Stephen Graham will play the role of Detective Superintendent Dave Kelly
- Sinead Keenan will play the role of Melanie Jones
- Brían F. O’Byrne will play the role of Steve Jones
- Faye McKeever will play the role of Claire Olssen
- Sonny Beyga will play the role of Rhys Jones
- Matthew Roberts will play the role of Owen Jones
- Stephen Walters will play the role of DCI Mark Guinness
- Grant Crookes will play the role of Detective Constable
- Christine Tremarco will play as Marie Thompson
- Sara Powell will play the role of Assistant Chief Constable Pat Gallan
- Michael Moran will play the role of Kevin Moody
- Nathan Clark Smith will play the role of Jordan Olssen
- James Nelson-Joyce will play the role of James Yates
- Paddy Rowan will play the role of Sean Mercer
- Jack McMullen will play the role of Dean Kelly
Little Boy Blue Season 2 Release Date
So far, the makers have not announced an official statement on the renewal of the second season. Also, the first installment of the series ended on a conclusive note; we might not expect the series shortly. Officially speaking, the upcoming season’s release date is not yet confirmed.
We’ll inform you as soon as any updates regarding the series are made public. Don’t forget to bookmark our page and stay connected for future updates!
Little Boy Blue: Where To Watch?
You may watch the first season of Little Boy Blue exclusively on ITV. Once the series get renewed for the next season, it’ll start to stream on the same platform.
Little Boy Blue Season 2 Trailer
The makers have not released any official statement on the renewal of the second season of Little Boy Blue. There is also a high chance that the filming for the next installment will start at the end of 2022. However, this is just speculation, as ITV has not released official trailer updates. Meanwhile, continue watching the first season on ITV…