Grand Army is a modern-day drama show based entirely on Katie Cappello’s production ‘Slut: The Play’. Katie, through this story tries to point out the stereotypical nature of society by patting on some sensitive topics, such as bullying, sexual assault, racism, and rape. This story is based on five young students studying at Grand Army High School, Brooklyn, Newyork. This show started on Netflix in 2020, which has now halted at its suspense and the fans are eagerly waiting for its second season.
Not only was this show able to achieve its stardom among its audience but also was praised for cinematography by the critics. The acting and the director’s work has also been immensely appreciated – and all-in-all, Grand Army has proved to be an impeccable series so far! In the upcoming season, we will uncover how the main cast of this show, Ryner Lute (a lazy student) joins the army to escape his mundane reality that ruins his own life.
Grand Army Season 2: Release Date?
Who can’t wait for the series which gets its place in Netflix’s Top 10 Most-Watched Series within a few months of its release? The first season of the Grand Army series was released worldwide on Netflix on October 16, 2020 – in which almost 9 episodes were dropped. Each episode had a watch time of about 42-72 minutes.
The controversy that happened recently was with the writers of the Grand Army – on which they were accused of racial discrimination and abuse inside the production crew. As a result of which three writers had to resign from the show. Seeing this, it seemed that the chances of the coming season of the Grand Army were reduced.
As far as the official announcement is concerned, neither Netflix has passed any announcement related to it nor the makers of the show. But as far as the hype of the show is concerned, it seems that the show has to be returned! If this is the case, then we can expect the premiere date of Grand Army Season 2 towards early 2023.
Grand Army Season 2: Cast?
As far as the cast of Grand Army is concerned, (keeping in view the hype), removing any lead cast can prove to be a killer move for the makers! Like we saw in season 1 that the plot is being built, there may be hardly any changes in the cast for this season.
We can definitely expect to see the five lead roles of the show as shown in the previous season. Odessa O’Zion as Marco (Joey Del Marco), Odell Jean as Dom (Dominique Pierre), Amir Bageria as Sid (Siddhartha Pakam), Johnson playing the role of Jason and Leila Kwan as Amalia Yoo. Along with these, we might get to see some new faces – who will play an important role in the story going forward.
Amalia Yoo said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly on October 17 that she and her friends were all set for the show. Owing to this, we can guess that the casts are ready to roll! Now everything is in the hands of Netflix and the makers. The wait for the official announcements will continue until it comes. Stay tuned!
Grand Army Season 2: Plot?
At the end of season 1, there are myriads of questions left unresolved by the makers. Some of the storylines are – what will happen in the call that Sid receives from Harvard? Will Tim go to the police? What will happen next in the relationship between John and Domes? Heck, who made the bomb threat call to the school? And oh so many more secrets that have been left unfinished will be revealed in season 2!
The very first thing that we might see in this season is how Dom tries to manage his school internship and her delightful relationship with John. Simultaneously, we would also see how Jay protested against Racism by not playing the saxophone in the recital.
Meanwhile, we will uncover how Sid got a call from Harvard – and how he will get an admission in it. His university journey will also be shown well in the upcoming season! Furthermore, we might also learn the reason behind the threatening call in school by Leila.
Lastly, we might uncover how Joey recovers from the sexual assault – and witness a legit justice take on rape!