Focusing on a renowned New York Detective, this upcoming feature film will showcase Allen Muretti, who chases a series of murders that expose an historic genocide. Titled as ‘The Devil is Loose in New York’, the feature film is taken up under CF/40 Entertainment. CF/40 Entertainment is an emerging production company who will be joined by Latigo films for the development of ‘The Devil is Loose in New York’. Some of the works of Latigo Films include, ‘Just Swipe’ which premiered in 2022, ‘Murder at Hollow Creek’ which was directed by David Lipper, ‘The Unwilling’ which premiered in 2016 and more.
The Crew for ‘The Devil is Loose in New York’
George Gallo will potentially be directing this upcoming feature film with Peter Moacanin composing its screenplay. George Gallo is a popular screenwriter and filmmaker whose works include, ‘The Comeback Trail’ which featured Kate Katzman, Tommy Lee Jones, Zach Braff and more in the cast, ‘Vanquish’ which premiered in 2021 as an action thriller, ‘My Mom’s New Boyfriend’ which is a romantic comedy, ‘Columbus Circle’ which Gallo also co- wrote and more. Peter Moacanin is an emerging artist. Denise Loren and Nick Loren will be joining the crew as the upcoming films’ producers. Denise Loren is a known producer and the President of Production at Latigo Films. Nick Loren is an established producer whose works include, ‘Criminal Activities’ which premiered as a crime thriller in 2015, ‘Ladder 49’ which was directed by Jay Russell, ‘Hairspray’ which premiered in 2007 and more.
Vancouver will be serving as the primary location for ‘The Devil is Loose in New York’. Vancouver was previously seen in ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ which premiered on Netflix, this year, ‘Supernatural’ which ran for 15 seasons, ‘Midnight Mass’ which also streamed on Netflix, ‘Virgin River’ which premiered in 2019 and is an ongoing series and more.
What to Expect?
The upcoming feature film is predicted to be a crime thriller with a heavy reliance on mystery. Crime thrillers centered on detectives is not a novel concept as several works have previously been released that belong to the said sub genres such as ‘Dalgliesh’ which is an ongoing crime drama series, ‘Grantchester’ which ran for 8 seasons, ‘L. A Confidential’ which premiered in 1997, ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’ which was directed by David Fincher and more.
The upcoming feature film does experiment with a new plot and will perhaps showcase a unique way in conveying the genre.