Float is an exciting drama series that follows the tale of Jade, a young woman who returns to her hometown by the sea. In this article, we’ll provide you with an overview of Float Season 2, the release date, cast information and other updates. So keep reading to stay up-to-date on the highly anticipated show, Float!
Overview of the series Float
Float is a drama series that follows the story of Jade, a young woman who returns to her seaside hometown to take up a job as a lifeguard. Directed by Arabella Page Croft and written by Stef Smith, this show is sure to be an exciting and intriguing watch.
Rumors surround Jade’s return to her hometown, but only Jade knows the truth. Along with a group of young pool staff, she must make sense of her life throughout one summer. The storyline promises to be an engaging watch that explores themes such as identity, family dynamics, love, loyalty, and self-discovery in unexpected ways.
The first season aired on Netflix in 2021, so stay tuned for updates about this highly anticipated show!
Float Season 2 Release date
Float season 2 is a highly anticipated sequel of the well-received drama that met with positive reviews from both critics and audiences alike. As of yet, neither the makers nor the production house has revealed any revelations regarding the premiere date of Float season 2!
The first season was a blockbuster hit that explores different themes and was incredibly praised for its creative storytelling and unique visuals. Y’all may stay tuned with us to get all the latest updates about the upcoming season of Float.
It’s essential to note that the production process of the series is still underway, so it’s likely that fans won’t have to wait much longer for an official announcement from Netflix! In case of any new information, we will update this space – make sure you have us bookmarked already!
Float Season 2 Cast: Who will be returning?
Float Season 2 is set to feature an all-star cast, with Jessica Hardwick, Hannah Jarrett-Scott, Ben Presley and more set to star in the series. Other cast members include Jessica Hardwick returns as Jade, Hannah Jarrett-Scott stars alongside Jessica Hardwick as Alice, Ben Presley plays Robbo; rounding out the cast are actors Rebecca Simonsen and Kristy Atkins as Emma and Sarah respectively.
The rest of the cast also includes some highly anticipated newcomers such as Ashley Wilkie (as Freya), Lucy Crowley (as Grace) and Jack Parker (as Ethan). All these characters will bring their own unique stories and perspectives into the world of Float Season 2!
As per the makers, new characters will also return to better complement the exciting plot lines. With an incredible blend of familiar and new faces, the second season of Float is sure to be a hit! Stay connected with us for all the latest updates about Float season 2!
The coming-of-age drama Float has officially been renewed for season 2!
The celebrated Scottish playwright Stef Smith’s award-winning coming-of-age drama has been picked up by BBC for a second season.
“I am so thrilled to be able to bring Jade, Collette, and crew back to the screen again,” the show’s creator Stef Smith exclaims. It’s a true honour to reconnect with them after 18 months and add a few fresh faces to the cast.
The second season of the acclaimed short-form drama Float, created by Black Camel Pictures for BBC Scotland, has begun production.
The 2021 release of the young adult coming-of-age drama followed the lives of Jade (Hannah Jarrett Scott) and Collette (Jessica Hardwick) as they struggled to find their way through and balance life and love while living in a small Scottish village. This straightforward and genuine representation received favourable reviews and won numerous industry honours at festivals, including Best Short Form Series at Series Mania 2022.
Later this year, Float will be available on BBC iPlayer!
Is “Float” worth watching?
Since this film was only a little over an hour long, I decided to watch it at a late hour. Horror may be executed swiftly, but this wasn’t done at all properly. I gave it a chance from the opening titles on and shut it off after 20 minutes. Poor actors and low resources can still produce good horror, but they REALLY SKIMPED on the acting in this film. Maybe you shouldn’t watch this one!