‘Friday’ premiered in 1995 starring Ice Cube, Chris Tucker, John Witherspoon and more. With a plot centered on a comedic duo who attempt to evade being pursued by a gangster by collecting the required money, the film was an instant hit and is now regarded as a classic in the comedy genre. With two decades having passed, there have been a lot of rumors surrounding a sequel film to the Friday film series and it appears, the sequel supposedly titled as ‘Last Friday’ could be under development.
What made the 1995 film exceptional was the chemistry between Ice Cube and Chris Tucker along with the apt supporting cast. The film was followed by sequels titled ‘Next Friday’ which premiered in 2000 and ‘Friday After Next’ which premiered in 2002. Among the recurring cast members of the film series were Mike Epps, Ice Cube, John Witherspoon, Don Curry and more. The screenplay for the films were co- written by Ice Cube and there is a possibility that the popular rapper/ actor will be reprising his role for the supposed upcoming sequel. So, the question remains, how exactly ‘Last Friday’ will be developed.
Seeing as how there has not been any official update on the matter except for a possible delay in the sequel film’s production and development, there is a lot of room for speculation. It is possible that if at all another film is to be made, the cast members from the trilogy could be making an appearance and that include Ice Cube, Mike Epps and more. The plot of the film will most likely be set in the present with the original characters getting into a new kind of trouble. It is also possible for new character additions to be made. Ice Cube has allegedly stated how he is on board with the development of a potential sequel film and fans would like nothing more than to witness the actor’s comedic magic unfold once more.