A new romantic comedy is reportedly under production and is rumored to be directed by one of the prominent Filipino directors, Brillante Ma Mendoza. Titled as, ‘Cocoon’, the film will follow Adam and Catherine who come from different backgrounds but are united in love. Taken up under Center Stage Productions, the film will potentially commence its filming in early 2024. Los Angeles will be serving as the movie’s primary filming location. Brillante Ma Mendoza is known for a number of works including, ‘Gensan Punch’ which premiered in 2021 and is a documentary, ‘Thy Womb’ which premiered in 2012 as a horror drama, ‘Captive’ which featured Isabelle Huppert and Marc Zanetta alongside other members in the cast, ‘Alpha: The Right To Kill’ which premiered in 2018 and more. Also, Brillante Ma Mendoza is the founder of Center Stage Productions.
Krisma Maclang Fajardo, Mark Labella, Angel Mendoza, Liza Diño and Mari Acevedo will be heading the production for ‘Cocoon’. Krisma Maclang Fajardo is a known producer whose works include, ‘Colorum’ which was directed by Jobin Ballesteros, and more. Mark Labella is primarily known as a writer and his works include, ‘Plane’ which premiered in 2023, ‘NCIS: Los Angeles’ which ran for 14 seasons, ‘Labyu with an Accent’ a romantic comedy and more. Angel Mendoza, Liza Diño and Mari Acevedo are emerging artists.
Rocky Christopher Fajardo and Angel Mendoza Team Up as Writers for ‘Cocoon’
Rocky Christopher Fajardo is an emerging writer and his works include, ‘Hosto’ a 2023 film and ‘Japion’. Angel Mendoza who is a co- producer for the upcoming feature film will also be serving as its co- writer in composing the film’s screenplay alongside Rocky Christopher Fajardo.
‘Cocoon’ commences with Adam and Catherine, the protagonists planning to be married very soon. Adam was raised by very religious parents who are not all that happy when they get to know that he’s marrying Catherine who is a Catholic. His sister Aesther has issues with Catherine because she sees her as being privileged. Catherine
was born in the Philippines, and was adopted by two gay men, who have since split up. With the different backgrounds that the two come from, the marriage plans end up getting eventful as all parties involved in the lives of Adam and Catherine are converging on Los Angeles for their wedding. The rest of the film fllows how their arrival which is accompanied by their tensions, jealousies, languages, and resentments interfere with Adam and Catherine’s relationship.