Following the end of its second season, which premiered on 26 March 2023, ‘Yellowjackets’ is reportedly renewed for another season with the development commencing by next year. Featuring a stellar cast and a chilling plotline, ‘Yellowjackets’ was positively received upon the release of its first season which gained an 8.6/10 on Rotten Tomatoes. ‘Yellowjackets’ narrated the story of a girls’ high school soccer team that was hailed as the the first team in the state’s history to qualify for the Girls’ U.S. Soccer Championship Series in Manchester. However, the team faces a fatal crash as they travel to Seattle in order to compete in the popular tournament. Being stranded in Canada’s wilderness, the team struggles to survive for nineteen months. The coming of age survival epic relies on horror to showcase how the survivors of the team following the crash descent from a friendly, amicable, cooperative team to warring, cannibalistic clans. The series also showcases the crew in a distant future as they continue to struggle with the memories of the past that haunts them despite the years that have passed.
The first season of the series aired in Paramount+ on 14 November 2021 and had 10 episodes. The members of the cast for the first season of ‘Yellowjackets’ include, Sophie Thatcher, Melanie Lynskey, Tawny Cypress, Juliette Lewis and Christina Ricci among others.
Season 3 Reprisals
Not much is known regarding the plot for the upcoming season of ‘Yellowjackets’, yet, the viewers can expect the actresses to possibly reprise their roles. Drew Comins will be returning for the 3rd season as the series’ producer. Some of the other works produced under Drew Comins include, ‘All the Old Knives’ and more. Ashley Lyle, Bart Nickerson and Jonathan Lisco will be collaborating once more for the upcoming season as the showrunners of ‘Yeloowjackets’. Ashley Lyle is additionally known as the writer of ‘Narcos’ and its spinoff titled, ‘Narcos: Mexico’. Bart Nickerson and Jonathan Lisco are other popular writers. Libby Goldstein, Junie Lowry-Johnson, Warren Hanna, Mark Bunting and more will be joining the crew for ‘Yellowjackets’ season 3. With the writers’ strike continuing, season 3 of ‘Yellowjackets’ is supposedly put on hold. Nonetheless, the writers room is reported to have commenced by this month.
The upcoming season will see actress’ Melanie Lynskey, Juliette Lewis, Tawny Cypress, Christina Ricci and more returning to portray their characters, Shauna, Natalie, Taissa and Misty, respectively. The series will be most likely shot at Vancouver which served as a primary location to the first two seasons. Additionally, viewers can expect to find answers to the cliffhangers introduced in season 2 regarding what went down with the group as they fled the wilderness.