Conceived by Shawn Ryan and directed by Seth Gordon and Mallicent Shelton, The Night Agent is a forthcoming American action conspiracy thriller television series based on a novel of the same name by Matthew Quirk. While Matthew Quirk authored the original novel, he’s not just sitting on the sidelines. He’s actively participating as a producer, which means his creative input could add some exciting elements to the show. The first season of The Night Agent is set to air on Netflix this March.
The story revolves around special agent Peter Sutherland (Gabriel Basso) who is tossed into a wide conspiracy about a Russian mole at the top levels of the American government. To protect the country, Peter falls over into a frantic manhunt for the betrayer, as well as cooperates with the terrified CEO Rose Larkin (Luciane Buchanan) and keeps her safe from the people whom she called her uncle and aunt.
While there are many looking forward to the first season, let’s also find out the possibilities of the series getting a second season.
Will There Be a Season 2 of The Night Agent?
Currently, there is no news about season 2 of The Night Agent. It was only disclosed on December 24, 2020, that Sony Pictures Television is assigned to develop the television series adaptation of Quirk’s novel The Night Agent, with Shawn Ryan appointed to pen the series. The series was obtained by Netflix on July 21, 2021, with Gordon assigned to helm the pilot and deliver the ten-episode series with executive producers Marney Hochman, Julia Gunn, James Vanderbilt, William Sherak, Paul Neinstein, Nicole Tossou, David Beaubaire, and Ryan. Also, in contrast to the first season’s Washington, D.C. backdrop, Season 2 of “The Night Agent” will take us to new and exciting locations. This means we can anticipate a change in scenery, adding a fresh twist to the storyline.
For season 2 to be announced, it will take a while since the streaming giant will also take into consideration the viewership and ratings for the first season which is yet to be released.
Is Season 2 of The Night Agent Renewed or Canceled?
Because the first season is yet to be aired, the series season two has been neither renewed nor canceled. If the debut season proves to be a success, Netflix will likely order a second season. Until then let’s wait patiently for further announcements.
The Night Agent Season 2 Release Date
Unfortunately, the release of “The Night Agent” Season 2 has been delayed due to ongoing strikes in the entertainment industry. The 2023 Writers Guild of America strike and the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike have affected production schedules. As a result, we’ll have to wait until 2024 to see the new season, with these labor disputes causing the delay.The Cast of The Night Agent Season 2
Season 2 is gearing up to introduce us to brand-new stories and characters, alongside our familiar lead, Peter Sutherland. This approach ensures that each season will bring us unique and engaging plots to enjoy.
- Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland
- Luciane Buchanan as Rose Larkin
- Hong Chau as Diane Farr
- D. B. Woodside as Erik Monks
- Fola Evans-Akingbola as Chelsea Arrington
- Eve Harlow as Ellen
- Phoenix Raei as Dale
- Enrique Murciano as Ben Almora
- Sarah Desjardins as Maddie Redfield
- Emma Volk as young Maddie Redfield
The Night Agent Season 2 Plot
It’s difficult to predict season two’s plot at this point because the first season has yet to be released. Once we have seen the debut season, then only we make up our theories based on the ending of the finale episode. For now, let’s wait for more updates!