Shetland is a British television series. It initially aired in 2013. The series revolves around DI Jimmy Perez. It also involves his team of officials. They investigate crimes in a closed off island community. The series has managed to secure a good response from audiences and critics. So far Shetland has had a total of 7 seasons. But the question is: Will it be renewed for season 8 or not?
Well, BBC is making the impossible possible since the crime drama will soon become a reality. In conversation with the BBC, Henshall said, “I’ll miss him and the place. I wish everyone involved much luck with whatever happens next.”
Here are all the potential updates regarding the eighth edition of the series Shetland, including the release date, cast, and other details.
Will there be a season 8 of Shetland?
As far as the eighth season of the series is concerned, we expect it to get a renewal. However, as of December 2022, the makers haven’t officially renewed Shetland for season 8. If anything comes out, we will update this space. Stay connected with us!
Shetland season 8 release date
As aforesaid, the show is yet to be renewed for season 8. However, as per updates, the production for season 8 will kick off in the Spring of 2023. Hence, we can expect the season by the end of 2023 or later. Whatever it is, we will keep you updated. Stay tuned!
Shetland season eight plot: What to expect from the storyline?
The first season of Shetland premiered in 2013. It follows detective inspector Jimmy Perez and his mmm investigating a murder. Shetland season 2 aired in 2014. In the second season we witness the murder of the main character’s friend. A suspicious car accident occurred, which led to another brutal murder.
Shetland Season 3 was released in 2016. This comprised the disappearance of a man and young boy. They were later found in a hospital. The two events were investigated by Jimmy. He found them to be connected. The fourth season of Shetland aired in 2018. This followed the release of a criminal who had murdered a Shetland member. Soon, the next three seasons aired.
Shetland has long hinted at Jimmy’s exit. However, it wasn’t until the very end of season seven that we finally learned how he’d depart the show. Long story short, Jimmy helped a man escape extradition and death. This was obviously the right thing to do – but not when it comes to his career.
“If the last thing I do is help an innocent man, I’m good with that,” Jimmy told Rhona in the season seven finale.
Is the trailer for Shetland season 8 out yet?
No. The series is yet to be renewed. And so there’s no trailer for now. We can expect to see new footage for Shetland’s eighth season around Autumn 2023 or later. Stay connected with us for more updates!
Where to watch the series Shetland?
Shetland airs on BBC One and BBC iPlayer. Happy watching!
Is Shetland season 9 happening any time soon?
Season 8 of the series is yet to be renewed. Hence, there are no updates about Shetland season 9 at the moment.