Conceived by Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond for Netflix, “The Dragon Prince” is an action fantasy adventure computer-animated TV series being produced by Wonderstorm and animated by Bardel Entertainment. It features the voices of Jack De Sena, Paula Burrows, Sasha Rojen, Racquel Belmonte, Jesse Inocalla, and Jason Simpson. The series centers the tale of the half-siblings princes Callum and Ezran and Rayla, an elf who, as they raise a baby dragon Prince Azymondias, must break off the century old clash between the human domains and the mystical beasts of the supernatural empire of Xadia.
The series has so far released a total of three seasons with the fourth season all set to air sometime soon. To know more about Season 4 of The Dragon Prince, all the details are given below.
The Dragon Prince Season 4 Release Date
Fans shouldn’t worry about the series ending at least not now because it was officially announced that The Dragon Prince will be back for a fifth, sixth and the seventh final season.
Speaking to Collider, co-creator Justin Richmond said, “We showed the first episode, 4.01, which is super exciting. Obviously, it’s not gonna be out yet. It’ll be out in November where everybody can watch it. But hopefully people at least got a taste of what’s coming for The Dragon Prince and are excited about it. I’m sure it’ll be all over Twitter and all over the internet and stuff about what’s actually in there, but we’re super excited for people to get to dig in with us for this new season.”
After a three year hiatus the Netflix hit animated series is returning to our screens on November 3, 2022.
The Voice Cast of The Dragon Prince
The characters expected to return in the upcoming season of The Dragon Prince include–
- Jack De Sena in the voice of Callum
- Paula Burrows voices Rayla
- Sasha Rojen will voice Ezran
- Jason Simpson in the voice of Viren
- Racquel Belmonte in the voice of Claudia
- Erik Dellums in the voice of Aaravos
- Jesse Inocalla in the voice of Soren
- Benjamin Callins as Terry
There’s been no official word concerning the official cast line so we have only mentioned the central characters. But we do expect to see few of the supporting characters returning as well.
The Dragon Prince Season 4: What to Expect?
In an interview with Collider, Richmond described the new season as “Awesome. Spectacular. Emotional.”
Aaron Ehasz added, “The show is evolving. There’s a time skip, as you know; the characters are older and wiser – and so is our audience. The people who were attached to this show in the first three seasons have had to wait eighty-four long years for season 4. They’re more mature, they’re ready for something that’s bigger and heavier and more complex. And that’s where the story is going.”
The Official synopsis for Season 4 of The Dragon Prince reads:
“Two years have passed since the Battle of the Storm Spire. Claudia, under the guidance of Aaravos, has successfully resurrected her father, Viren. Meanwhile, Callum—now the High Mage of Katolis—contemplates an ancient relic discovered in his predecessor’s chambers.”
The Dragon Prince Season 4 Trailer