It has been 3 months since the premiere of ‘Secret Invasion’ and the mission that was single-handedly led by Nick Fury to protect the Earth from a Skrull group remains to be a stellar sight to watch even now. That is the power that Samuel L Jackson brings in his performances. Now, he is reportedly gearing up for another character portrayal, this time as a chef to the inmates of a federal correction centre. ‘Last Meals’ will narrate the tales of justice, food and freedom through the eyes of Walter Karrat, the character that Samuel L Jackson is rumored to be playing.
‘Last Meals’ is set to be directed by Kenny Leon with Justin Pissecki (an emerging artist) joining the crew as the writer for this upcoming feature film. Kenny Leon is a skilled filmmaker whose popular works include ‘In My Dreams’, ‘Steel Magnolias’, ‘American Son’ and ‘Hairspray Live!’. Additionally, Renee Tab, Christopher Tuffin, Andrew Schefter, Lori McCreary, Gary Luccesi, Morgan Freeman, Michael McKay, Myles Nestel and Lisa Wilson will be forming the production team.
Plot for ‘Last Meals’
‘Last Meals’ begins with a setting in a federal correctional institution where Walter Karrat makes meals for the inmates. Walter Karrat is a man with a tragic past of his own as he was once a former Michelin star chef who served at the White House. Despite the setback he faced in his career, Walter maintains his quality and his exacting standards have never faltered. So, naturally, when a death row inmate whose name is Jeffrey Reed refuses to eat his meals, Walter consequentially grows curious. He learns that Reed, who proclaims himself to be innocent, is on a hunger strike to bring the officials’ attention to his cause. With the help of a local food critic Hannah Corddry, Reed’s story reaches a wider audience and as a result, Walter finds himself the reluctant focus of a media frenzy. But his new friendship with Reed and Hannah drives him out of his self-imposed shell and transforms him into brave person, willing to fight for his friend’s innocence against the vested interests that would send Reed to the death chamber without due process. But his battle is not without its own share of losses as Walter’s freedom and reputation begins to be under threat.
Joining Samuel L. Jackson in the cast is Boyd Holbrook, a popular actor whose films include, ‘Predator’, ‘Logan’ and ‘In the Shadow of the Moon’. With its production commencing sometime in November this year, ‘Last Meals’ will be filmed in Atlanta.