Quanzhi Fashi is a Chinese anime that garnered international acclaim for its riveting storyline and strong visuals. It is based on Chaos’s light novel series, Versatile Mage. So far, the series has successfully completed four seasons. Its last season dropped in the summer of 2020 after a long wait. Following the premiere of its fourth part, the showrunners ordered the series for a fifth installment, however, we have not heard any major announcements about a potential Quanzhi Fashi Season 5 so far. So is Quanzhi Fashi returning for another season? To know the answer, stick with us till the end:
Quanzhi Fashi 5 release date: When is it due to air?
We have no official statement confirming the airing date for Quanzhi Fashi season five. Nonetheless, fans could expect to see it sometime in 2022 or most probably by early 2023.
The first three seasons dropped with a year gap in between each of them. But the fourth installment of Quanzhi Fashi was not out until May 2020. That was nearly two years from the release of its third part. So it is safe to say that our speculation is somewhat true.
Moreover, some sources imply that the voice cast of Quanzhi Fashi season five is in the production stage. Thus we don’t have to keep waiting for the next season till long.
For knowing more details about the release date for Quanzhi Fashi season five, stay tuned.
Quanzhi Fashi 5 plot: What is it about?
Quanzhi Fashi is a tale of adventure, hardships, and magic. It follows the story of a high schooler Mo Fan, who comes from a downtrodden family. Fan’s destiny changes entirely when he is transported to an alternate universe. Fan realizes that the parallel universe has much in common with its former life. He is born to less privileged parents and also, has a differently-abled sibling. However, Fan finds that the new world is dominated by magic instead of technology. He enrolls himself at a reputed school of magic, but his previous life continues to become a hurdle in attaining his aspirations. Despite the challenges, Fan thrives, grows, and establishes himself as a powerful magician, with an ability to harness rare lightning and fire elements of magic. The four seasons portrayed the life of Fan, his struggles, and his accomplishments in the world of magic.
There is no definite plot information about Quanzhi Fashi season five yet, still, we anticipate that the same story will be continued with fresh twists and turns. It will be thrilling to see what waits for the fans of this Chinese anime, that has grossed decent ratings from the viewers globally.
Quanzhi Fashi season five Cast: Who is in the cast?
Tencent and the creators are currently tip-lipped regarding the cast details of Quanzhi Fashi Season five. So it is uncertain as to if which characters will return for the fifth season.
The fourth part of Quanzhi Fashi consisted of a diverse voice cast and characters.
Here is a quick list of some of our absolute favorites:
Mo Fan – the protagonist of our story. Mo Fan is fearless and stubborn to succeed and become the master of the school of magic. His intellect is what sets him apart from others of his age.
Mu Ning Xue – the true friend of Mo Fan, with innate magical abilities.
Xin Xia – the step-sister of Mo Fan, with a disability. who is confined to a wheelchair
If the story brings in a new drama, new characters might pop up. But there is no word about the additions to the voice cast.
Is the Trailer for Quanzhi Fashi season 5 out?
A trailer for Quanzhi Fashi season five is still a long way off the strength of the series is in its initial production phase. We shall update this blog on the availability of more information about the fifth part of Quanzhi Fashi.
Don’t forget to tell us your thoughts about the fifth part of Quanzhi Fashi. What do you expect from its plot?
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