Produced by Margot Robbie and directed by Christina Choe, the upcoming film follows the life of a 19 years old pizza delivery driver who had lived a disastrous life after her father’s death. As she develops an obsession with Jenny Hauser, an older wife and mother, the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. This article will provide an overview of what’s in store from Pizza Girl, including its release date and cast and an outline of the plot. So let’s dive in!
Overview of Pizza Girl
Pizza Girl is an upcoming movie that promises to deliver an engrossing story with an all-star cast. Produced by Margot Robbie, Tom Ackerley, Josey McNamara, Steven Rales, Amy Lo, Nate Matteson, Claudia Shin and Christopher Storer, and written by Jean Kyoung Frazier, the movie follows Aimless (played by Emma Watts), a 19-year-old pizza delivery driver who is pregnant and struggling to cope with the recent death of her father. She develops an obsession for Jenny Hauser (played by Rachel Sennott), an older wife and mother who seems to have it all together. But as Aimless’s grasp on reality begins to slip into a full-on emotional collapse, she is in danger of losing everything she loves.
Directed by Christina Choe (Nancy from 2018) and featuring music from composer Keefus Ciancia (Californication) Pizza Girl looks set to be another gripping film from the production team behind it. With its unique blend of dark comedy and drama, Pizza Girl will undoubtedly be a gripping film experience for audiences when it releases later this year.
Pizza Girl Release Date Cast
The movie will be shot in Ventura, CA and directed by Christina Choe. Christina has been praised for her previous work as a writer and director of feature films such as I’m Yours and Nancy. With Margot Robbie producing, this movie looks set to be a must-see for fans of her work.
The stars of Pizza Girl have yet to be revealed but there are rumors that Emma Watts and Rachel Sennott are set to play Aimless and Jenny Hauser respectively. The soundtrack for the movie has been composed by Keefus Ciancia who has previously worked on projects like True Detective and Westworld.
Stay tuned for further updates on Pizza Girl as more information becomes available!
Pizza Girl plot
Aimless’s world shifts further when she meets Jenny at a supermarket while delivering pizzas. Despite only having brief interactions, Aimless becomes convinced that Jenny must be saved from herself and embarks on a mission to try and intervene in Jenny’s life in any way possible. Pizza Girl promises to be a powerful exploration into human nature that will leave audiences laughing through their tears.