On My Block is an American teen dramedy TV series, conceived by Lauren Iungerich along with Eddie Gonzalez and Jeremy Haft. The debut season, comprising ten episodes, was launched on Netflix on March 16, 2018. Following the immense love and support from the audience, Netflix decided to renew the series for a second season run on April 13, 2018, which was released on March 11, 2020.
It features Sierra Capri, Jason Genao, Brett Gray, Diego Tinoco, Jessica Marie Garcia, Julio Macias, Peggy Blow, and Jahking Guillory. The show’s diverse talented cast, well-crafted plot, and executions were applauded by critics. Although the series did exceptionally well throughout the seasons in terms of ratings and viewership, the program was canceled after the fourth season. Let’s find out below if the series will even return with the fifth season.
On My Block Season 5 Release Date: When Will It Premiere?
The series was renewed for a fourth and final season on January 29, 2021, which was launched on October 4, 2021, comprising ten episodes with each episode running between 25-38 minutes.
When the streaming giant announced the season 4 renewal status, it also said that the fourth season would be the program’s final season.
Hence, it’s unlikely that a fifth season will ever occur in the future since the series has ended for good despite fans’ craving for another season.
The crew and cast thanked fans for their support from the very beginning till the end. On My Block has officially ended with the fourth season.
A Spin-off to On My Block Called “Freeridge” is in the Works?
On My Block may have ended but there’s a continuation to Freeride. Netflix has already confirmed that a spin-off is in development similar to the imaginary Los Angeles area as seen in On My Block. Good news for the fans indeed!
“While this part is closing for our OG crew in October as they approach the end of secondary school, we are delighted to bring a new ensemble of people and tales to life in our ‘On My Block’ spin-off,” Tracey Pakosta, Netflix’s head of satire disclosed to Variety.
“There are countless more stories to tell in Freeride and we’re appreciative to proceed with this excursion with Lauren, Eddie, Jeremy, Jamie Uyeshiro, and Jamie Dooner,” she added.
The Cast of On My Block
The talented cast of On My Block includes the following names–
- Sierra Capri played the role of Monsé Finnie
- Jason Genao portrayed the role of Ruben “Ruby” Martinez Jr.
- Brett Gray in the role of Jamal Turner
- Diego Tinoco played Cesar Diaz
- Jessica Marie Garcia played the role of Jasmine Flores
- Julio Macias played the role of Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
- Peggy Blow in the role of Marisol Martinez ‘Abuelita’
It’s not known if the original cast members will appear in the new side project “Freeridge” but we expect to see some of them in the spin-off series.
Where To Watch On My Block series?
All four seasons of On My Block are available for streaming on Netflix.