This upcoming feature film in centered on supernatural forces and is titled ‘Werewolf Hunt’. As the title indicates, the film seemingly follows werewolf hunters who are targeting one particular werewolf. ‘Werewolf Hunt’ reportedly is an action thriller and is predicted to feature several power-packed sequences. Among the rumored cast members for the film are actors Michael Paré and Louis Mandylor who will potentially be taking on the roles of Elliot Hayward and Caleb Rintoul respectively. There is a possibility of Jeanine Nerissa Sothcott also joining the cast for the upcoming feature film.
Ben Mole to Direct ‘Werewolf Hunt’
Ben Mole is a known director/ writer who has been active in film, television and theatre. Some of his popular works are ‘Code of Silence’ which premiered in 2021, ‘Behind the Line: Escape to Dunkirk’ a boxing themed action film set during the World War II, ‘The Last Days of ….’ for which he directed 6 episodes, ‘The Temple Mount’ which premiered in 2012 and ‘Ancient Discoveries’ a documentary series. For the upcoming project, Ben Mole will potentially join the crew as its director.
Other crew additions to ‘Werewolf Hunt’ are writers Josh Ridgway and Jonathan Sothcott. Jonathan Sothcott is also said to serve as a producer for the upcoming project. ‘Werewolf Hunt’ is seemingly one among the upcoming projects of Michael Paré with several others being sequels to existing works that the actor is a part of. Louis Mandylor recently starred in ‘Stripped’ in the role of Louie. Jeanine Nerissa Sothcott is popular for her roles in works ‘Nemesis’ which premiered in 2021, ‘The Krays: Dead Man Walking’ which premiered in 2018 and ‘Renegades’ a recent release. As of now, not much is known regarding the potential release date for ‘Werewolf Hunt’, yet, there is a good chance that the film will premiere by the end of 2024.