In a tale woven with family ties, a prize seemingly never awarded before and a death complicating the quest of this particular sibling trio, ‘Ari-Cassamortari’, a sequel to ‘I cassamortari’ is definitely presenting itself with a fresh plot with just the right bit of drama. Following the Arcangelo affair, the Pasti brothers, and their eccentric half-sister are now called the “VIP gravediggers”, a title that they did not know has been awarded to them until now. To remedy it all, are in the running for a the Vespillone D ‘gold, an unusual prize for the unusual trio. However, a giant hole in the company’s books, stand as a big threat that can potentially exclude them from the race for the prize. This complication that sprang from Matteo Pasti’s confession, might just actualize their imposed pen name as he has supposedly “borrowed” large sums from company accounts to pursue a virtual affair with Bella Salma who also happens to be the sex worker who was found dead in her villa due to a domestic accident. What is left to see is how the trio manages to get past it all.
‘Ari-Cassamortari’ to be Streamed on Prime Video
Paco Cinematografica, will be heading the development for ‘Ari-Cassamortari’ which is rumored to stream on Prime Video potentially by early 2024. The filming of this upcoming feature film has already begun in September as our sources suggest and will be shot in Rome, Italy.
Returning to the crew as the film’s producers are Isabella Cocuzza and Arturo Paglia. Isabella Cocuzza is a known producer whose works include, ‘Una Piccola Impresa Meridionale’, ‘Parents vs Influencers’ and more. Arturo Paglia primarily works in film projects and he has co- produced several works with Isabella Cocuzza among others. Mary Stella Brugiati and Alessandro Bosi, both emerging artists, are new additions to the writers’ crew as they will take on the screenplay for ‘Ari-Cassamortari’. Claudio Amendola will be reprising her role as the film’s director. Claudio Amendola is an established actor director whose works include, ‘I Cesaroni’ wherein he played the lead role, ‘Carlo and Malik’ which premiered in 2018 and more.
Massimo Ghini, Gian Marco Tognazzi, Lucia Ocone and Alessandro Sperduti will be reprising their roles for ‘Ari-Cassamortari’ with actors Silvia D’amico, Caterina Guzzanti, Michele Di Virgilio, Emanuel Caserio, Luca Bizzarri, Paolo Kessisoglu, Massimo Daiuto, Antonia Liskova and Edward Leo joining the crew. The filming of this upcoming feature film has supposedly been completed, and while fans await the return of this adored comedy, stay updated with the latest news on ‘Ari-Cassamortari’ at our website.